18th Amendment was ratified, You could no longer distribute alcohol, sell, or produce. Supporters believed that alcohol was the leading cause of violence, crime, and health issues. However, there is always going to be the group that does what they want. These people, back in the 1920s were called the "speakeasy" group. One of the largest distributors who sold moonshine, and bathtub gin. When raids were preformed, they would destroy the alcohol, normally by pouring it into the sewers, on the roads, or in rivers, and they would arrest the perpetrators. Even this, did not stop them.

Illegal moonshine distillery 1920 

Rallies for non-supporters
of the 18 amendment.

A successful raid, and successful

The Harlem Renaissance, the jazz era. Harlem, the center of African American culture.
The one place they could be completely free, doing what they love with those who love them too. Dancing the night away, singing and becoming famous. What is the new world? The world of culture. Art, journalist, singers, dancers, and talented musicians would create music for the world. Harlem allowed African Americans to freely express how they felt about their lives, living in a white world and how their pride is the only thing they have left. Harlem is and was everything, the only thing, the only place, that let them feel free.

A famous theatre in Harlem

The streets of harlem

A jazz band

Fundamentalism was formed out of worry. People feared that people would lose their values through urbanization, Americans created fundamentalism. These people were very religious and believe that everything happened exactly like it is stated in the bible. If you had a radical standpoint, then you were criticized by several preachers and the community of fundamentalist. A pastor by the name of Billy Sunday would condemn those that supported expanded roles for women. A problem formed between modernist and fundamentalist for the fight of who is right, Modernist believed in the theory of evolution and fundamentalist believed that the evolution violated their christian beliefs. 

The consistent debate
Fundamentalist vs. Moderist

Fundamentalist beliefs 

Conferences held by

New roles for women! During the 1920s, women were finally given the chance to work in places along side men. They were given jobs in nursing, teaching and social networking. Few women were given the chance to go into law or medical, but there were still women working in those fields. Several young women, decided it was time for a change, so they cut their hair and rejected "old" fashion clothes, in exchange for modern clothes, these young ladies where known as flappers.

Women working in barber shops

Women learning nursing

Young Flappers

Although several things have influenced the 1920s like art, music, and literature, so did sports! Sports encouraged Americans to do what they believe in. Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player, got fans together to unite as one. Amelia Earhart, one of the fewer female pilots, flew across the Atlantic ocean, Many Americans encouraged her in the several journeys she went on.

Swimming sports

Babe Ruth

Amelia Earhart

Olympic Swimming sport

1920s Culture

By dmesser

1920s Culture

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