The Theory of Evolution

Herbert Spencer 

                             Born: April 27, 1820 in Derby England
            Passed: December 9, 1903 in Brighton, England -- 83 Years Old
                                     Died due to: 

Biologist, English Philosopher, Anthropologist, Sociologist. 

Herbert, Charles Darwin, and Thomas Huxley was responsible for acceptance of the theory of evolution. 

Main Findings: Survival of the fittest is similar to Social Darwinism, In which those who have failed did so because of their own weakness and unfitness. Herbert Spencer, in which is a social philospher, wrote a theory of sociocultrual evolution. 
April 1860

Publications: Spencer published he first part of the principles of psychology in 1855. Between 1854 ad 1859 he published a series of essays on education, which were labeled in Education" intellectual, Moral, And physical in this one being published in 1861. Although Spencer did reject many things in his series like elements of curriculum and emphasized he importance of self- development, as well as many more. He published many books in his lifetime, including First principles was published in 1862, During his last years when he was ill, His friend Beatrice Potter visited him in which he left a sympathetic and sad record of his last years in the book my apprenticeship published in 1926, Spencer died in 1903. There was 19 Comprised series that was published between 1873 and 1934. 


In the year of 1842 Spencer contributed some letters to the nonconformist, Of course he argued that it is the business of the governments to uphold natural right, In which at the time nonconformist caused more harm than good. In about 1850 Spencer teamed up with the novelist George Eliot, His philosophical conversations with her led some some of heir friends to expect a marriage. However to counteract all of the accusation he wrote a autobiography 1904 Spencer denies any such desire. His other friends were George Henry Lewis, Thomas Henry Huxley, and John Stuart Mill. 

In 1987, there were reports during Spencers lifetime, both Bain and Conwy Loyd Morgan wrote to him acknowledging his impart on the development on their approach. Shortly after spencers death.


Spencer helped finalize the beliefs from other scientist. He helped theories or beliefs others found hard to find, He was able to justify why, when, and what he found. 


Thomas Huxley 

                                    English Biologist 
Born: May 4, 1825 in Ealing, London, United Kingdom
Passed: June 29, 1895, Eastbourne, united kingdom -- 70 Years old 


Died due to: Heart Attack
The rattlesnake Voyage: 
Thomas Huxley entered the navy and served 1846 - 1850 as an assistant surgeon on HMS, surveying on Australia's Great Barrier Reeft and new guinea. He studied the structure and growth of sea anemones, hydras, jellyfish and sea nettles such as Portuguese man-of-war. In 1847, Huxley considered a moral duty to weigh the evidence before believing church dogmas, Huxley suffered terrible mental collapses, however he decided to continue the path break observations. He Found that larval sea squirt has tail muscles like a tadpole, in which helped discover that sea squirts are ancestors of the vertebrates. 

On the origin of species in 1859 was starting to form. In 1869 the coined the word agnostic, meaning one could know nothing of ultimate reality, whether spiritual or material. He wrote a section on evolution in biology in the article "evolution" this is the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica published in 1878. Huxley created packages that teachers could take to their hometowns, he forged the discipline of biology, of course based on structural anatomy, he stripped down a few exemplary animal and plant types. 

Huxley studies comparative anatomy and earned respect from others as a suberb scientist. In 1859, darwins Origin of species was published and Huxley was the leader in a ensuing debate, It was public and scientific. Huxley did not agree with the idea of Darwins Theory, until many years later. He knew it was an important contribution to science and how people view themselves and their place in nature. 

Thomas Huxley considered the skull from the Neander valley. Based on the skulls, thoughts raced through his mind, and he discovered Europeans have the best developed brains, compared to others he has studied. 

Huxley showed information that eventually achieved great lengths of history. He proved that overtime, during the evolution, that Europeans have developed the best brains. He teamed up with many but being the stubborn man he is he did not want to believe what others had to say. So on his own he did his own research to find and discover information of what lives in the sea. Huxley did discover a lot that was brought to light many years down the road. 

Ronald fisher
English statistician, biologist 
Born: February 17, 1890 East Finchley, London
Died: July 29, 1962 Adelaide, Australia -- 72 Years old
Death due to: Surgical complications 

In 1919 Fisher became the statistician for the Rothamsted experimental station. He worked on Plant-breeding experiments, in 1933 Fisher became Galton Professor at a university college, After this from 1943 to 1957 he was Balfour professor of genetics at Cambridge. He investigated similarity of genes for several traits and produced methods to deal with questions anyone might have. As every other biologist, he ran into some trouble when trying to conduct a experiment designed for plant-breeding that may lead his information that was discovered to become inaccurate or misleading. So he introduced the factor of randomization, in which he randomly selected samples from a population, this helps to diminished the effects of variability in experimental materials so that his information does not become misleading. 

Publications: In 1918 fisher published a important paper in which he used power statistical expertise to reconcile what the actually meaning or to reveal the erratic information that was explained in the ideas of natural selection between Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel. In 1925 he wrote a book in Rothamsted "statistical methods for research works" in which remained print for more than 50 years. In 1930, 3 years before he became a professor at the university college, he wrote a book about Genetical theory of natural selection. 

Fishers contribution to the evolution was when he achieved the analysis of ANOVA, meaning analysis of variance. It was above the advancement of most discoveries and it was later found that problems in others experiments Fisher discovered and solved. He solved his plant breeding research and in many other scientific fields as well. 

It seemed like Fisher always liked to prove others wrong. Of course not in a way that was disrespectful, facetious way but in a fastidious way. Ronald Fisher had a passion for biology and would strive to prove his point, or prove that something did not seem right, And so he did. As others fed misleading results, Fisher took his time and created different experiments to have a end result of correct information. 

Theodosius Dobzhansky
American Geneticist, evolutionary biologist, biologist. 
Born: January 24, 1900 Nemyriv, Ukraine
Died: December 18, 1975 San Jacinto, CA -- 75 Years old
died due to: Congestive heart failure

When Ronald fisher set the concept of Natural selection it left a wide open space or later biologist to step in and explain what species are and how they originate. The answer began to emerge in 1930 due to Theodosius Dobzhansky. Dobzhansky worked in Thomas Hunt Morgans "Fly room" where you could closely study mutations. This caused a spark of interest to discover genetics. Dobzhansky took wild fruit flies from different populations, like Canada and mexico, and began to notice that each fruit fly from the different populations held a different set of genes. He discovered that sex was what kept species distinct from each other. 

In 1937, Dobzhansky published results in a landmark book by the name of Genetics and the origin of species. He gave an explanation for how species actually came into existence. After this mutations came almost naturally all of the time. in 1937 he published Genetics and the origin of species, in which was considered the most important book on evolutionary theory during the 20th century. In 1941 and 1951 Genetics of the evolutionary process was revised and in 1970 it was published. 

Dobzhansky contributed to many biologist work. Adding and correcting work in the process of developing his own. Yes he spent a lot of time trying to understand why the information that was conducted resulted in the way it did, but when he did succeed he published his works for the world to see. 

We all have something that we want to understand and dont understand when it does occur, and for that thing Dobzhansky wanted to understand was the evolution. Each population held a different gene, and he was the man for the job. He spent his whole life contributing and trying to change common beliefs around the world. He published books and created a world inside his for the purpose to expose the evolution. 


By dmesser


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