
Do you think college athletes should be paid to play?

If God gave you something you can do, Why wouldn't you do it? -Stephen King. College athletes should be paid for playing, they get less hours in academic education when actually are already required before they even step onto the field, education achievements. Being prepared for scholarships and a college sport takes a lot of steps because your coach can even bring you to light. The hours they put it is exactly what they get out, different ranks different practices. They have been paying college athletes for centuries for playing a sport, showing off there talent and achieving there goals. 

Academic requirements for college athletes according to NCSA and NCAA DI in article "academic requirements for college athletes" there major requirements including school graduations. First, You have to be graduated high school and into a college course. Second, you complete if already not completed a 16 core course and keep a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each course. One those core courses requirements result in four years of English, Three years of algebra one or higher, two years of Physical science and two years of Social science, following a extra one year of English, math or science. The next step in the 16 core course will be fours years of a foreign language, Philosophy, Religion, or you have the option to add another year on English, math or science. You are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and have a score of a 400 in math and reading only. You do however have the option to take the American College Testing (ACT) and have a final grade of a 37.  How many hours do they get to actually study for the 16 core courses and the test? more than you think. 

Like I said before the work they put it will be the work they put out. Depending on the sport itself and the gender will result in how many hours of practice and how many hours spending studying. As stated by the "Study: College athletes are full time-workers" a football player works 44.8 hours a week, that is approximately 6.4 hours on the field, they get less than or equal to 40 hours to study averaging out to 5.71 a day. A male baseball team according to the Division 1 get 40 hours playing approximating out to 5.71 hours on the sport and 32 hours on academics averaging out to 4.57 a day. A males basketball team gets 36.8 hours a week on the court approximating out to 5.26 hours a day and 33.9 hours studying on academics averaging out to 4.84 hours a day. Gender is a big result, A woman's basketball team can spend up to 36 hours a week playing on the court that is approximately 5.14 hours a day, However, they get 37 hours studying academics averaging out to 5.29 hours a day. Women are trained to become a athlete but is also trained to have the academic support behind them. Having education mixed into a sport can really help with stress and you will always have a backup in case things don't go your way. Due to the face that athletes are labeled "Full time-workers" how much mucho dinero are we talking about here? lots and lots. 

Over many years athletes have been paid for play. In Ronald A. Smiths book "pay for play: A history of big-time college athletic reform" published in 2010 wrote over 150 years of college athlete pay, problems, Documentation, Court dates, Passes, everything you can imagine. Ronald even wrote that in 1855 the coaches frequently commanded higher salaries than university presidents! University make the most money due to compensation, going further into research as of December 16, 2013 the median salary was 410,000 and the highest paid president was 3,358,723 dollars. Years back you can imagine that if approximately a university president was getting paid 150,000 dollars a athlete was getting paid 178,000 for football and 375,000 for college basketball a year. For the time they cut into trying to achieve there goals, the work spent studying before and the requirements needed, yes, i believe college athletes should be paid more than someone who gets paid compensation. Being legally hurt and someone else getting your money should never happen. Pay the athletes or don't pay the university presidents

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What makes this a credible source 

Information for MLA citation

Wieberg, Steve. "Study: College Athletes Are Full-time Workers - USATODAY.com." Study: College Athletes Are Full-time Workers - USATODAY.com. 12 Jan. 2008. Web. 3 July 2015.


Study: College athletes are full-time workers

This is a credible source because it dosn't express a opinion, It gives valuable information and was recently made years ago by the news. 

Academic Requirements for College Athletes

Frank, David. "Athletic Scholarships." Make Sure You Meet the NCAA and NAIA College Academic Requirements. 2015. Web. 3 July 2015.


Ronald A. Smith. Pay for Play: A History of Big-Time College Athletic Reform. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2010. Project MUSE. Web. 3 Jul. 2015. <https://muse.jhu.edu/>

Pay for Play: A History of Big-Time College Athletic Reform

This is a credible source because it is from a documented website, It gives facts and does not state a opinion. It was also updated recently by NCAA or NCSA which are two well known professional experts. 

This is a credible source because it is from a well known author who is known for writing about sports and its history. Giving valuable information and facts to support them.


By dmesser


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