Surviving A Massacre

As we all know the Holocaust was a very bad time for thousands of people. The deaths, wars, and broken peace treaties were never once looked at twice. Many people had to lose the ones they loved, Sacrificed themselves and had to survive in the worst of times. Millions of people died mostly due to starvation, The Jewish died by gunshot and sitting behind it all is Adolf Hitler. Although many other leaders did take action to support his choice, they followed in the same foot steps and Murdered innocent people. Those sent to concentration camps and died a long and brutal death
 those that were mentally and physically ill, Homosexuals,
social Democrats, trade unionist, And Jews. The gas chambers
killed many people but, Adolf Hitler had other plans in mind with
those that were to far gone. The mentally and physically challenged
were murdered by the Nazi groups and others were experimented
with torture devices. Many genocide is still 
occurring today,
malnourishment and death is still happening every
month. What can we do to stop it?

Here is a Gas Chamber in which they would strip you completely  clothe less  and would have you to remove any gold teeth. After they would have jars of human teeth, and thousands of bodies.

The Holocaust

Adolf Hitler is responsible for the Holocaust that took place on January 30, 1933 to May 5, 1945.
The holocaust is known for killing six million Jews, We all know that Hitler had something against the Jewish religion as well a those that were Non-Germans. Hitler limited those that were not of the German beliefs, One limitation being withheld German citizen ships.  As time went on Hitler required that Jews only marry other Jew's, Then he restricted Jews from sitting on park benches, Swimming in public pool and even eating out at public restaurants. Hitler and the Nazi group so badly wanted Germany to be Judenrein, In result of
so many restriction they got there wish many Jews fled the country, However,
Many had to stay due to the non-acceptance of large amounts of Jewish people.
On November 9, 1938 the Kristallnacht took place, Hitler and many German
destroyed 7,000 Jewish businesses ending the very next day,
Also known as "the day of broken glass." As time went on Germany wanted to
be free of the Jewish culture and ended up sending many to concentration camps,
Killing them. Hitler did use thousands of them for his dirty clean up crew. 

This is a Jewish business after it went up 
in flames. Here you can see there is nothing left,
Except the walls of what could not be burned.

The Men In The Striped Uniform's

Hitler wanted Germany to be free of Jews, However that did not work out the way he wanted to. Yes, Many Jews fled the country in hopes of a better life, Those that were not accepted had no choice but to stay behind in the horrid fight they were all in. Adolf Hitler used the Jews, 10,000 of them for a clean up crew and over six million of them for torture, Experiments and self gratitude. Hitler imprisoned the Jews that he wanted for war or slaves, For those people he created subcamps. Approximately 88 subcamps all over Germany, Others would be placed in tents around the camps. Many know about Berlin where thousands of men, women, and children would fight there way through rain and hunger. It was forbidden that the rich talk to the Jews. Back at Auschwitz , The prisoners would carry out the bodies that were killed in the gas chambers, and lay then onto a
pile outside. Hundreds of thousands of bodies built up outside rotten into nothing but a corpse
Children where 
gassed as well when they were trying to get rid of any evidence to prevent them
from getting caught. These men in the striped uniforms where the escape goat for Hitler, He 
 carrying out the bodies, He wasn't burning them in the ovens, He wasn't shaving there heads and
leaving them clothe less, No. Hitler sat behind it all with hopes that he 
wouldn't get caught, but time
caught up to Adolf and it was time he was 

Here is a group of the men in their striped uniforms. As you can see the colors of the men's mix and none of them have hair on their heads. 

The Soviet army was the first to free themselves from the Nazi camps in Poland, However, Germans tried to hide the evidence by destroying the camps themselves. Auschwitz was the largest camp, in the winter of 1945 the soviet army decided to enforce and free the prisoners and millions of disabled, malnourished, Men women and children that they could find and try to give them a life outside of the gates. Before they got there the Germans burned down any and everything they could get there hands on. Burning bodies, Destroying evidence, however they did not complete the job as well as they thought. The Soviet army found thousands of pounds of human hair, clothing, Gold teeth, and jewelry.  Also in the spring of 1945 they found 28 railroad cars stuffed with corpses, some able to be freed others did die of starvation and hunger. People where
burned alive, those incapable of moving by themselves suffered a horrid death. 
Hitler killed approximately six million Jews during this genocide. Hitler remained
in  Berlin, Germany for the last siege of the war, However on April 30, 1945, His
wife, Eva Braun-Hitler and himself both 
committed suicide in his underground
bunker. Eva
poisoned herself, and her husband, Adolf Hitler ingested poisoned
then shot himself in the head, One single gunshot. 

Entangled In Fear

Here is one camp that Hitler did get to destroy. I think he forgot one thing though, You can see bodies laying out on the ground. They may be burned but they are still evidence.

Grasping The End

Here you can see a gas chamber. It is for a single person and often used in prisons. They would strap your hands and feet down to the chair, The last sight you would see would be outside the windows where people would watch you die.

Here are the rail road carts filled with people. Some where able to survive others passed away from hunger and malnourishment. 

Here is a concentration camp going up in flames. Trying to hide the evidence by burning the corpses and buildings.

Here is a memorial for all of the children that suffered the gas chambers. They were killed to hide that they were ever there. 

Here is a subcamp where prisoners where kept. All of the tents held women and children as well. 

Here is where they burned the evidence. However bone shards and teeth where left behind.

Called To Action

We can all stop Genocide by sounding the alarm and demanding action, Stopping enablers, and make human rights and genocide prevention core values in the U.S policy. We can all take action and protest to the beliefs of stopping the violence that takes place within the fights. 

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Surviving A Massacre 7_06

By dmesser

Surviving A Massacre 7_06

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