Save a life

You have no clue when you are going to need to perform CPR on a adult, child, and or infant. But when you do.... you need to know how. Follow me along the journey, professional or not, and allow me to help you understand the step by step instructions when performing CPR and when a person is choking, you need to know the Heimlich maneuver. You never know where it could take place, in your own home when you are alone, When you are eating in a public restaurant, or even at a local park. Be sure that you can save a life.   

​a security camera caught a man using the Heimlich maneuver to help a man choking. 

CPR on a adult:

First things first, check for a response. Gently shake the persons shoulders and speak loudly. Before you perform CPR call 911 immediately if the victim does not respond. 

Step one: remember to check for a response and listen to see if they are breathing. 

Step 2: call 911 immediately and get ready to perform your next step.

Press down arrow.

step two: Find the center of the victims chest and begin 30 chest compression's. This will help restore blood circulation. 

Step Three: If the victim is still not responding, you are going to have to open the airway by placing the head back and lifting the chin up. Give two breaths and watch for the chest to rise. If it does not rise the airway is not open, and you have to try again. 

look closely at the hands, the elbows are locked and adding pressure to the chest.

head back + chin up = open airway

Look how the positioning of the head is, and the chest rise. 

Press down arrow.

Step four: Begin 30 more chest compression's immediately after you complete mouth to mouth. 
When the emergency help arrives remove yourself and allow help to take over.  If you know the victim ask to ride in the ambulance or follow behind it in a vehicle. 

They are certified  in what they do, and we should let then do their job. 

CPR on a child: 

First things first, is check for response. If they do not respond, move, or make a gesture then proceed to the next step. 

Secondly, You will pump 30 times in the center of the chest, however with one hand only. 

Press arrow down

For your third step, position the head to open the airway, and begin to pinch the nose and give two breaths and watch for the chest to rise. If you are inexperienced continue to do the chest compression's and call 911. When emergency help arrives remove yourself and allow certified medical assistants take over.  

Infant CPR:

First things first, check for response. Gently tap the bottom of their feet and move there arms to see if they respond. If they do not respond move on to step two. 

For step two if someone else is present ask them to call 911 so you can tend to the baby. If nobody else is present begin 30 chest compression's. For infants you will only use two fingers and place them below the nipples, in the
middle of the chest. 

Press arrow down

If the baby still does not move, begin to move the head to open the airway and begin two breath's, watch for the chest to rise. 

If you have not already, and no other person has. Dial 911 immediately and continue to resuscitate the victim. When emergency help arrives, move away and allow the certified medial professionals step in. If they bring the baby to the emergency room and it is your baby ask to ride in the ambulance if you are the parent, or you can follow behind in another vehicle

Heimlich for adults:

When someone is really choking they are not going to be able to breath, talk, or cough. To know if someone is choking as loudly "Are you choking?" if they gesture yes with there hand immediately move to the next step.

To begin the next step, stand behind them and wrap your arms around their waist. Then, ball one hand into a fist and place it over their belly
button. Place your other hand over your
balled fist and push until they object comes out. 


Press arrow down

What if they are pregnant or obese? 

If they are either one of those begin to do chest thrust. Hold the same position but go below the nipples in the middle of the chest. 

And what if they pass out? 

If the person passes out, open their mouth to see if you can see the object if you can not, immediately call 911 and tilt their head back so they can get air. Begin 30 chest compression's, remember to keep checking
their mouth for a object. When emergency help
arrives allow them to take over. If you are the victims
family ask to ride in the ambulance or you can follow
in a vehicle behind them. 

Heimlich for children (1-8):

First thing, ask the child "can you breathe?" if they cannot talk, cough, or speak move to the next step. 

Immediately ball one fist and place over the child's belly button and the other over the balled fist. Begin to thrust upwards until the object comes out.
Getting on your knees may help to he the same height as the

press arrow down

What if the child is obese?

If the child is obese you will do chest thrust. move your hands to the center of the chest below the nipples and begin to thrust upward. 

What if the child passes out? 

If the child passes out, call 911. After you have called begin 30 chest compression's and look for the object in the mouth. If you cannot see it begin CPR. When emergency help arrives, move out of the way and allow certificated medical professionals take over. If you want to ride in the back with your child ask, and or you can follow behind them in a vehicle

Heimlich for infants:

First things look to see if the infant cries, moves, or cannot gasp for air. If they are not immediately move to the next step. 

Remember to always support the infants head, Hold the baby on their stomach with your hand on their chin and begin 5 back blows between the shoulder blades. Do not hit the infant hard, only lift your hand 3-5 inches from their back and begin to put force to see if the object comes out. 

press arrow down

What if the baby passes out? and or no longer moves?

Immediately call 911, then begin 30 chest compression's to see if the object will come out. Look in the infants mouth to see if there is anything. Then, begin CPR when emergency help arrives allow the certified medial professionals take over. If it is your baby and you would like to ride with them ask, or you can follow in another vehicle behind them. 

You have learned how to successfully learned how to give CPR and perform the Heimlich maneuver. Remember if you do not know how to perform CPR call 911 and only do chest compression's

Be safe, chew your food, and save a life. 

Picture credit : 

 "Create Your Own Animated Videos!" Presenter Media. Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc., 2009. Web. 5 Nov. 2015. 

thank you presenter media for some of the pictures used

Also thanks for Google images! 

Save a life

By dmesser

Save a life

You may use this to refer to but may not copy my work.

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