The FOSS Enterprise Application Platform
The Preside Platform
What's new in 10.11.0
99 JIRA Issues
Preside 10.11.0
200+ Commits
16 Contributors
Malcolm Rajeli
Brayden Tan
Sacha Moufarrege
Jan Jannek
Michael Hnat
Kok Ann Ng
Jasmin Tsai
Contributors 10.10.0 - 10.11.0
Hieu Huynh
Preside 10.11.0
At a glance
21 Bug fixes
35 Presents for developers
16 Performance improvement tickets
21 UX Improvements
Preside 10.11.0
Performance and Stability
Preside 10.11.0
...some little things
Performance and Stability
Database indexes on:
- Email log tables
- datecreated / datemodified
Micro optimizations
- StructKeyExists() vs .keyExists()
- Never doing thread.stop() to kill tasks
Some cachebox caches removed - using
local structs instead
Preside 10.11.0
Caching + Cachebox
Performance and Stability
- Cache reaping: background thread
- getSystemSettings(): cached
Default CacheBox settings tweaked:
- Full page caching cache: now disk by default
- Query cache per object: improves query cache invalidation performance
- Only clear query caches on update when data actually changes
Preside 10.11.0
Core system
Performance and Stability
- Request memory footprint thoroughly optimized
- ColdBox Request context object is now a SINGLETON
- Coldbox handler CFC metadata lookups cached (rather than looked up on each call to a handler)
Preside 10.11.0
Performance and Stability
- CfConcurrent Project forked and tweaked to work with Lucee 5 in a stable way
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:13]: Application starting up (fwreinit ...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Email Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Service Healthchec...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Heartbeat: Adhoc T...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Heartbeat: Schedul...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Cache Reap Heartbe...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:26]: Application start up complete
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
Some quick wins
- Frontend-admin bar, logout keeps you on same page
- Notifications count - limited to 100 + loads in background
- SVG derivative support (SVGs scaled to PNGs)
- Asset manager grid: new column, 'uploaded date' + ordered by default
- "Gritter" notifications moved bottom right by default + configurable
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
Some quick wins
- Site tree: full URL preview besides slug
- Indicate inactive pages in page picker
- Include/exclude fields from Form Builder
export - Rules engine: more relative date options
- Rules engine: expressions for admin users
- Rules engine: auto 'is the logged in user' for
fields related to users
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
- Richeditor: code snippets
- Richeditor: HTML Widget
- Richeditor: additional allowed HTML tags
settings.ckeditor.defaults.append( {
extraAllowedContent = "img dl dt dd"
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
Task manager
- Time taken in task list view
- "Sticky" tabs
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
Email Center
- Email "send domain" override
- Email variables in richeditor link
settings.features.emailOverwriteDomain.enabled = true; // default false
Preside 10.11.0
UX Improvements and fixes
Asset manager file names
Preside 10.11.0
Presents for developers
Preside 10.11.0
...some little things (too many to mention all)
Presents for developers
- Font Awesome 5 ("little") - thanks Brayden!
Default filters on objects @defaultFilters activePages
Suppress fields in validateForm() - Thanks
Johnson Cheng :) -
Data table Footer customizations
Saved query filters, now implement as handlers
Auto trim form submissions - thanks to Seb
Preside 10.11.0
...some little things (too many to mention all)
Presents for developers
- Full page caching: X-Cache: HIT or MISS header
- Can now do $helpers.helper() from services
Preside 10.11.0
/site-root/.env file
Presents for developers
settings.mySetting = settings.env.mySetting ?: "default";
Preside 10.11.0
Compiled code
Presents for developers
Preside 10.11.0
SelectData Views
Presents for developers
* @datamanagerEnabled true
* @datamanagerGridFields label,post_count,datemodified
component {
property name="label" uniqueindexes="label";
property name="posts" relationship = "one-to-many"
relatedto = "blog_post"
relationshipKey = "category";
property name="post_count" formula="count( ${prefix} )";
* @datamanagerEnabled true
* @datamanagerGridFields label,active_post_count,datemodified
component {
property name="label" uniqueindexes="label";
property name="active_posts" relationship = "select-data-view"
relatedto = "activeBlogPosts"
relationshipKey = "category";
property name="active_post_count" formula="count( ${prefix} )";
// /handlers/SelectDataViews.cfc
component {
private struct function activeBlogPosts( event, rc, prc ) {
return {
objectName = "blog_post"
, filter = { active=true }
, selectFields = [ "id", "title", "category" ]
private struct function inactiveBlogPosts( event, rc, prc ) {
return {
objectName = "blog_post"
, filter = { active=false }
// simple example
var activePosts = posts.selectView( "activeBlogPosts" );
// example using joins
var activePosts = category.selectData(
filter = { id=selectedCategory }
, selectFields = [ "", "active_posts.title" ]
, active_posts.title
from `pobj_blog_category` `blog_category`
inner join (
select `blog_post`.`id`,
from `pobj_blog_post` `blog_post`
where `blog_post`.`active` = true
) `active_posts` on ( `active_posts`.`category` = `blog_category`.`id` )
where `blog_category`.`id` = ':post_id';
Preside 10.11.0
Custom Asset Transformations
Presents for developers
derivatives.pageThumbnail = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [
{ method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=100, height=100 } }
derivatives.pageThumbnail = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [
{ method="watermark" , args={} }
, { method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=100, height=100 } }
// /handlers/AssetTransformers.cfc
component {
property name="imageManipulationService" inject="imageManipulationService";
private binary function resize( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.resize( argumentCollection=args );
private binary function shrinkToFit( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.shrinkToFit( argumentCollection=args );
private binary function pdfPreview( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.pdfPreview( argumentCollection=args );
asset = fileBinary
, fileProperties = { fileExt="jpg" }
, otherCustomArg1 = "..."
// ..
Preside 10.11.0
Asset processing queue
Presents for developers
settings.features.assetQueue.enabled = true; // default false
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = true; // default false
settings.assetManager.queue = {
concurrency = 10 // default 1
, batchSize = 10 // default 100
, downloadWaitSeconds = 10 // default 5
derivatives.icon = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [ { method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=32, height=32 } } ]
Preside 10.11.0
Other configurable background tasks
Presents for developers
settings.features.emailQueueHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.adhocTaskHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.taskmanagerHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.emailQueueHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.emailqueue ?: true;
settings.features.adhocTaskHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.adhoctasks ?: true;
settings.features.taskmanagerHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.taskmanager ?: true;
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.assetqueue ?: true;
# Server 1 (frontend web)
# Server 2 (backend task server)
Our mission
To build an out-of-box web application foundation that does as much of the laborious, hard and overlooked work for you, accelerating teams as they focus on unique requirements.
To build a community and platform that leads by example; that is a joy to use, a joy to work with and a joy to participate in.
Our vision
Preside solving complex needs for a wide breadth of industries and communities. A well-known name founded on openness and excellence.
Thanks for listening
CTO @ Pixl8 Group
Preside lead developer
The Preside Platform: What's new in 10.11.0
By Dominic Watson
The Preside Platform: What's new in 10.11.0
Another year has come around and its time for another jam packed release. Dominic takes us through the changes between 10.10.0 to 10.11.0.
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