Coding w/ CORE + ADI
What is a frontend JavaScript Framework?
With JavaScript/jQuery we have to
- Get data to and from the server
- Keep data inputted by user in sync with server
- Re-render the web page based on user input
This is a lot of the same code written by many developers.
There must be an easier, more streamlined, and structured way of doing things
- i.e. Ember.js, Backbone.js, Angular.js
MVC for Frameworks
Model = your data (i.e. FB profile info)
View = your webpage (i.e. what you see on your FB profile)
Controller = gets user input and changes your data
(i.e. when you add a friend on FB)
What is Angular.js?
Not just a JavaScript MVC frontend framework
Doesn't just make jQuery tasks easier
Think of it as an add-on to HTML that lets you bind data to HTML elements and attach behavior to them through HTML alone
What we will be building
A web app that lets you find all
gold-nugget or silver-nugget
Adding new features (attributes & elements) to HTML
- If we add ng-app to an HTML element i.e. <body ng-app> then we create an AngularJS application there
- ng-model is how we add data/variables to HTML
Data Binding
What we did with ng-model is something called data binding
We don't want just the entire HTML view synced to one model. We want separate Controllers for different parts.
- the $scope variable passed into the controller will hold all models/data within that HTML element
ng-repeat Directive
A directive that let's you easily repeat through an entire list
We don't need to repeat the entire list and can just list those we want
Additional Resources
(Books) - free e-book!
Future Events
10/7 - Y Combinator at Columbia
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By Don Yu
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