Social Media and Society 2013
Online Community Building
in an Academic Context:
A University Library Case Study
Scott Young
Doralyn Rossmann
Research Structure
Planning & Building
Analyzing & Understanding
Establishing Value
“If [social site] can help cultivate a brand that expands beyond books, students may discover that the library is more relevant and approachable than previously perceived, and a valued part of their personal networks.”
(Phillips, 2011)
Social Media Plan
Realize mission of the university
Build and engage community
MSU Library Social Media Guide
Audience Focus
Tone and Tenor
Activity Focus
Posting Frequency
Posting Categories
Posting Personnel
“Be Interesting, Be Interested.”
(Glazer, 2012)
How is our community formed?
Community Analysis
Action-Object Mapping
User Type Data
Interaction Analysis
Focus Groups
Action-Object Mapping
Group 1
Automated Tweet Content
Low responsiveness
No dedicated personnel
No programmatic approach
Group 1 Median Interaction Rate
Group 2
Original and unique content
High responsiveness
Dedicated personnel
Programmatic approach
Group 2 Median Interaction Rate
Interaction Rate Increase
Group 1 → Group 2
Quantitative Data
Qualitative Data
“On Facebook I think of it much more as a community, because it’s more interactive and personal that way. Twitter for me is more receiving information. It doesn’t feel community-based, more networked-based.”
- Student Focus Group
“. . . a Twitter account that was more than just updating you on events, but that was more inviting you in and creating that community.”
- Student focus group feedback
Social Media at the MSU Library
Group 1 → Group 2
New Content
New Interactions
New Connections
New Community
New value for the library?
Future Directions
“Social Network Sites have the potential to serve as a medium for meaningful support . . . in students’ lives”
(Gray, Vitak, Easton & Ellison, 2013)
“Institutional Involvement is related to degree completion, because a student who is committed to the institution is likely to persist in that environment.”
(Brown & Burdsal, 2012)
Social Media = Community
Community = Student Success
Emerging hypothesis:
Social Media = Student Success
Scott Young
Doralyn Rossmann
Social Media and Society 2013 — Online Communities
By Doralyn Rossmann
Social Media and Society 2013 — Online Communities
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