Interpretable Predictions of Tree-based Ensembles via Actionable Feature Tweaking


  • Background
  • Problem Formulation
  • The solution
  • Case Study at Yahoo


Machine learning is usually considered as a ​black box

I'd really like to know which treatment my patient should undergo to reduce the threat of a heart attack

According to our records, we expect to lower your risk if you will do more fitness

How do we provide such insights?

How do we provide such insights?

We focus on tree(s) models

  • Widely used
  • Easy to open the black box

Problem Formulation

  • First we let \(\mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n \) be the n-dimentional feature vector space.
  • So feature vector is represented as \(\mathbf{x} = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)^T \in \mathcal{X}\).
  • WLOG, the problem simplified as a binary classification problem, i.e. \(\mathbf{y} = \{-1,+1\}\).
  • Also, there's a function \(f: \mathcal{X} \mapsto \mathbf{y}\), i.e. classifier, and \(\hat{f} \approx f\) as the classifier learned from data.
  • Here we assume \(f\) to be an ensemble of K tree-based classifiers, i.e. \(\hat{f} = \phi(\hat{h}_1,...,\hat{h}_k)\).
  • WLOG, we assume \(\phi\) to be the majority vote.


\[x' = \arg \min_{X^*} \{1|\hat{f}(x) = -1 \wedge \hat{f}(x^*) = +1 \}\]


\[x' = \arg \min_{X^*} \{1|\hat{f}(x) = -1 \wedge \hat{f}(x^*) = +1 \}\]


  • Given a distance measurement \(\delta: \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\)
  • We want to find a \(x'\) so that 


\[x' = \arg \min_{X^*} \{\delta(x,x^*)|\hat{f}(x) = -1 \wedge \hat{f}(x^*) = +1 \}\]


\[x' = \arg \min_{X^*} \{\delta(x,x^*)|\hat{f}(x) = -1 \wedge \hat{f}(x^*) = +1 \}\]

The solution


Each instance follows a root-to-leaf path for each tree

True negative instance 

Key Idea


Key Idea


Perturbation: Diff, i.e. a potential suggestion 

Step 1

Select one tree giving out the negative label

Step 2

Find all the paths in that tree that outputs positive label


Step 3

Generate instances satisfying each paths




  • \(p^+_{k,j}\) as the j-th path in tree \(T_k\).
  • For all \(T_k \in T^-\), we calculate the perturbed feature vector \(x^+_{j(\epsilon)}\), by
  • \(x^+_{j(\epsilon)}[i] = \theta_i - \epsilon \text{ if the i-th condition is } (x_i \leq \theta_i) \) or,
  • \(x^+_{j(\epsilon)}[i] = \theta_i + \epsilon \text{ if the i-th condition is } (x_i \gt \theta_i) \)

= \(140/90 + \epsilon\)


Do we need a \(\epsilon\) for every case?


Do we need a \(\epsilon\) for every case?

Global \(\epsilon\)!



Do we need a \(\epsilon\) for every case?

Global \(\epsilon\)!


If all the features is standardized to z-score, then a single \(\epsilon\) is enough.

i.e. \(\theta_i = \frac{t_i - u_i}{\sigma_i}\)



Perturb on one tree may invalid other trees


Perturb on one tree may invalid other trees


Have a round of check on the whole forest


  1. For all trees, get positive paths \(p^+_k\).
  2. Get perturbed instance \(x^+_{j(\epsilon)}\) by \(buildPositiveInst(x, p^+_{k,j}, \epsilon)\)
  3. Check if \(\hat{f}(x^+_{j(\epsilon)}) = +1\), and put the instance to a set \(S\)if satisfied.
  4. For each instances in \(S\), select the one with smallest \(\delta(x, x^+_{j(\epsilon)})\) as \(x'\)

Use case at Yahoo

Ad quality

Ad quality varies, for low quality Ads, 


Ad quality varies, for low quality Ads, 

Not serving them is not an option


Ad quality varies, for low quality Ads, 

Not serving them is not an option

Serving them hurts the user experience 


Ad quality varies, for low quality Ads, 

Not serving them is not an option

Serving them hurts the user experience 

As the platform, gives out suggestions is a win-win


Model settings

The impact of hyperparameters

Assessing the recommendation quality

1. Feature ranking

ϵ = 0.05 and δ = cosine distance

Assessing the recommendation quality

2. Top K recommendations based on cost, rank them based on feature importance

ϵ = 0.05 and δ = cosine distance

Assessing the recommendation quality

3. Use user study to test the performance, result shows:

  • helpful: 57.3%,
  • not helpful: 42.3% (25% neutral)
  • not actionable: 0.4%

ϵ = 0.05 and δ = cosine distance

Assessing the recommendation quality

ϵ = 0.05 and δ = cosine distance

\( helpfulness(i) = \frac{helpful(i)}{helpful(i) + \neg helptul(i)} \)

Showcase of helpfulness for top features


  • Not very hard technique
  • The real world use case is interesting


Interpretable Predictions of Tree-based Ensembles via Actionable Feature Tweaking

By Weiyüen Wu

Interpretable Predictions of Tree-based Ensembles via Actionable Feature Tweaking

  • 516