Model Interpretability

Weiyuan @ SFU DSL


  • Interpretability: Why & What
  • Taxonomies of Interpretability
  • Ways to evaluate interpretation
  • Conclusion

Why Interpretability

Some Data Scientists in Companies usually stir their "pile" day to day

--- I just gave him a $10B loan!

Do you think he can pay it back? ---

--- Why not? The Model said so.

But it's a DOG! ---

Look at the thing you did! ---

Current solutions?

Not enough

Decision Tree 🤔

Pic From Been et al.

Wait...Is interpretability possible?

Seems like all currently working models are already too complex for a human to understand.

For sure!

  • Interpretability is NOT about understanding all bits and bytes of the model for all data points (we cannot).
  • It’s about knowing enough ​about your downstream tasks.




Types of interpretation methods for after building a model

Model problem: LIME

  • Given a model
  • Interpretation ​of representative data points w.r.t. the model.
  • New linear model = original model)
  • 50*quadrangle courtyard within ring-3 of Beijing + 0.0001 * less than age 25 -> release the loan

Data problem: Influence function

  • Given a model, it tells you: loan -> the guy
  • Remove Fortune 500 people => ! loan -> the guy
  • Some data is critical for this prediction!

Feature problem: SHAP

  • Given a model, it tells you: loan -> the guy
  • Age=25: 10% decision power
  • Name=Bill Gates: 90% decision power
  • Name must be important to make decision for this guy!

Ways to evaluate interpretation

Spectrum of evaluation

  • Function-based
  • Cognition-based
  • Application-based


  • How much did we improve loan payback rate?
  • Do decision makers find the explanations useful?


  • It’s real evaluation
  • but it’s costly
  • and hard to compare work A to B


  • Use proxy metrics
  • How sparse are the features? 
  • How non-negativity it is?


  • It's easy to formalize, optimize, and evaluate…
  • but may not solve a real need
  • e.g., 5 unit sparsity will have more interest rate than 10 unit sparsity?




High cost

Low cost

High validity

Low validity


  • What factor should change to change the outcome?
    • Time budget
    • Severity of underspecification
    • Cognitive chunks
    • Audience training
    • ...


  • Interpretability is getting hotter
  • Interpretability becomes increasingly important
  • Current interpretation is not enough
  • Current interpretation evaluation is not enough


  • Interpretability is getting hotter
  • Interpretability becomes increasingly important
  • Current interpretation is not enough
  • Current interpretation evaluation is not enough



Model Interpretibility

By Weiyüen Wu

Model Interpretibility

  • 616