• Death certification is to be done on the International Death Certificate that is a standard format prescribed by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.)


  • This means that if a person were to die in India or U.K. or Siberia, the same death certificate format would be used to fill in the cause of death for the purpose of standardization across the world


Death certification

Parts of MCCD form

  • The MCCD form has a:

 1. Medical part - in the centre of the form

 2. Non-medical part - at the top and bottom                sections of the form

Click here 

to see the respective parts of the MCCD form

 1. Medical part is for the:

  i.  Cause of death

 ii.  Manner of death

 iii. Time intervals and

 iv. ICD codes

Click here 

to see it on the MCCD form

Parts of MCCD form

2. Non-medical part has: 

i.   Identification and demographic particulars about the deceased at the top

ii.  Identification details of the certifying physician at the bottom

iii. And a detachable portion (at the bottom) for filling information on the fact         of death and handing over to the relatives

Click here

to see it on the MCCD form

Parts of MCCD form

There are 3 forms:

Types of MCCD form

i.   Institutional deaths to be filled in Form No 4

ii.  Non-institutional deaths to be filled in Form No 4(A)

iii. Perinatal death form

​  In this course, we will look at the 3rd form briefly and in great detail about the use of first 2 forms.

Institutional deaths

to be filled in

Form No. 4

Information on manner of death needs to be filled here

All Non-institutional deaths to be filled in Form No 4(A)

Information on manner of death is not asked for in this form

Perinatal death form is used for deaths occurring when the fetus is in utero, 28 wks of gestational age, to up to 7 days after birth

Manner of death

  • Manner of death is to be filled only in the Institutional death certificate (Form No. 4)


  • The options are: natural, accident, suicide, homicide or pending investigation (for death of unknown intent)


  • This question item is found just below the box for cause of death in the MCCD form


Version 3 e-MCCD M1U3PPT1

By drkavya1

Version 3 e-MCCD M1U3PPT1

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