Unit 2 - Ascertaining CoD

 To ascertain the cause of death, the first step is to understand the  differences between

1.Mode of death


2.Manner of death and


3.Cause of death

Mode OR Mechanism of death

It is a derangement or disturbance by which a cause of death exerts its lethal effect (e.g., cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, cardio respiratory arrest); must not be used as an underlying cause of death

Manner of death

The way in which the death occurred.

 It can be classified as below

  •  Natural
  •  Accident
  •  Suicide
  •  Homicide
  •  Pending investigation

Cause of death CoD

Cause of death is a term used to indicate the medical cause of death.

It lists the disease(s) or injuries that caused death.

It includes

a. Underlying CoD

b. Immediate CoD

c.  Antecedent CoD

You will learn more about each of these further in your course

Why do you need to differentiate between Mode, Manner and Cause of death?



Let us try to know more about this through the following exercise


By drkavya1


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