How does construction of sequence of events help?
Constructing a sequence of events and differentiating between the
different causes of death is helpful for
2. Doctor/hospital
1. Government/health authority
1. The government/health authority is mainly interested in the
underlying cause of death
This helps in planning for allocation of resources in terms of staffing, infrastructure(drugs/equipment/supplies) and healthcare organization at the overall level
That is, that there are
# 3 cases of Acute Gastroenteritis,
# 2 cases of Pulmonary TB and
# 3 cases of Myocardial Infarction
2. The doctor/hospital is interested not only in the underlying cause of death but also in identifying the subsequent complications so that the appropriate treatment can be made at several points along the pathway to ameliorate symptoms and/or prevent death
Construction of a chronological sequence of events is important for
identifying the underlying cause of death thereby helping government/health authority in health planning
accurate filling up of a death certificate
supporting doctors/ hospital in identifying complications and planning appropriate treatment for the particular condition
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By drkavya1
- 142