Exhibits, Podcasts, and Installations: Multimodal Full-Class Projects for Continuing Communication
David Morgen
Emory Writing Program
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 12:30-1:30pm
Jones Room, Woodruff Library
Develop Continuing
Communication courses that engage your whole class in collaborative multimodal creation!
Why a Podcast Series Project?
- A "real" genre that exists in the world, which they are mostly familiar with
- Avoid writing to a prompt
- Student ownership
- Spreadability
Students respond
- Encourage investment & innovation
- Awareness of audience
- Collaborative
- Encourage investment & innovation
I lay out basic goals -- there will be a podcast, published to the web & iTunes, about the course subject.
Students decide title of series, structure, "rules" for the series. Students design a logo and draft, then record intro bumper. Choose music.
Students work in groups of 3, decide on their specific episode structure -- in conversation with me -- then they record and I publish episodes.
An example podcast:
The Longest Rainy Sunday
Time has stopped, everything is uncertain, we’re physically distanced and socially disconnected as a pandemic and fights for justice rage around us. The world might be forever changed after the events of 2020 but where does that leave us in the meantime? It’s felt to a lot of us like one almost unending rainy afternoon staring at video screens, either to escape, to connect, or to imagine a better way forward.
So in this series, we’ll turn our critical gaze to the games we have been playing, examine what they have to offer right now. How do these games define identities, foster a sense of belonging, encourage empathy, or subvert systems? How do they encourage certain types of problem solving and learning? What sorts of values do they promote?
The world hit pause, lets hit play.
Fall 2020
Time to Settle This with Catan
The very first podcast episode
my students produced
Grand Theft Auto V and Transit
- Rohan & Zach
- "GTA Yourself" song
- International student who had only experienced USA in GTA V before starting at Emory
- Interviewed friend Corey, from CA
Main North Wall, Manuel's Tavern

"Digital Dig Unpacks Atlanta
Dive Bar Rich in History" NYT 11/9/2015
Unpacking Manuel's
Multimodal Full-Class Projects
By edmorge
Multimodal Full-Class Projects
- 141