GIS for energy simulation and analysis 2 : using skills in complex models, analyses and visualisations.
Guest lecture for the Energy Systems and Data Analytics MSc 11th March 2020
GIS for energy simulation and analysis 1 : case studies
Guest lecture for the Energy Systems and Data Analytics MSc 4th March 2020
GIS and Python for Energy and Buildings Research
A summary of the use of GIS for research in Energy and builidngs
Simulating Renewable Generation
Methods and Data for simulating renewable generation from meteorological data
Meteorological Data for Energy Modelling
Summary of weather data for use in modelling energy systems etc.
Progress on ESTIMO model development 22/02/2018
Ed's work on Energy System Simulation
Completed and ongoing projects as of 29/10/218
Brief description of the should I bake site
GIS and intro with energy and buildings case studies
A general introduction to what a GIS is and what it can do. Case studies focus on energy buildings research and consultancy
Poyry associates meeting presentation
Description of the models developed for my PhD and selection of analyses
wholesem spatiotemporal modelling workshshop
Brief description of the models developed for my PhD to a workshop on spatiotemporally disaggregated energy modelling