Modelling, analysis and visualisation of energy systems:

Ed's current and completed projects


Ed Sharp: | | @steadier_eddy



  • Broadly interested in spatial science, weather, renewables, python
  • Predominantly Python based simulation models of the GB and European electricity systems
  • Usually based on meteorological data from climate reanalyses
    • ​Gridded, modelled, historical datasets of historical weather, 30 - 50 km, hourly over 37 years
    • High degree of accuracy allows analysis of absolute generation and demand, variability and relationships between different weather driven elements of the system
  • ​Also working at different scale/resolutions with data and spatial analysis
    • City energy and environment modelling through SiCEDS with EST etc.
    • Spatial analysis of air pollution
  • PV output simulated using top of atmosphere and ground level irradiance and ground temperature data and a physical model
  • All hours from 1980 simulated for entire grid - can be aggregated using any desired geography. Similar simulation carried out for wind.

Example 1 - Global PV simulation

Simulated monthly mean global capacity factors using 1980 meteorology

  • The Stakeholder Interactive City Energy Demand Simulation tool was developed fro Birmingham and Exeter
  • Data work on Non-Domestic stationary demand, air pollution and transport
  • Team effort including the Energy Savings Trust

Example 2: City simulation

Projected Nitrogen Dioxide concentrations in London to 2030

Example 3: Spatial Analysis of roadside pollution and schools

  •  Spatial analysis describing the proximity of all schools in GB to roads where the Nitrogen Dioxide levels have been measured and modelled.
  • Used in a campaign by ClientEarth with a metric of schools within 150 m of roads exceeding the EU limit value for annual mean. Therefore likely causing health impacts.
  • Widely covered in Media. Also I got paid.

Example 4: PhD modelling of residual demand


  • Thesis available at:   
  • Blog: 
  • Sharp, E. Dodds, P. Barrett, M. and Spataru, C. Evaluating the accuracy of CFSR reanalysis hourly wind speed forecasts for the UK, using in situ measurements and geographical information. Renewable Energy, 77, 527-538. 2015.
  • Sharp, E. Spatiotemporal Disaggregation of GB Scenarios Depicting Increased Wind Capacity and Electrified Heat Demand in Dwellings. 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 2015.
  • Sharp, E. Spataru, C. Barrett, M. and Dodds, P. Incorporating building specific heat loss and associated energy demand into electricity demand models for Great Britain. Building Simulation and Optimisation UCL, London, UK, 2014.

Ed's work on Energy System Simulation

By Ed Sharp

Ed's work on Energy System Simulation

Completed and ongoing projects as of 29/10/218

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