Simulating Renewable Generation and Electricity demand from Meteorological Data:
Accurate, calibrated, globally scalable methods and data.
Ed Sharp: | | @steadier_eddy
- Wind Simulation
- Summary of field - briefly describe who uses what and how
- SpWind - CFSR driven gridded model for disaggregation of GB scenarios
- SpDEAM - CFSR drive electricity demand model for GB
- PhD outputs
- ESTIMO_wind - MERRA driven, wind farm specific, Global Capacity factor timeseries derivation
- Current state
- Evaluating wind simulation models pre and post simulation
- Using in scenario models
- Solar Simulation
- Adapting GSEE to derive global cf timeseries
- Demand and meteorology
- Case studies ....
Wind Simulation - Past and Present Research
Simulating generation from wind turbines has evolved from station data to reanalysis data
- Generation from wind turbines has been simulated from weather data for many decades
- The most recent crop of simulation studies can find roots in work from Graham Sinden, who used onshore MIDAS station data
Teams at Reading, Imperial and Edinburgh Universities (as well of UCL of course) have adapted these methods for reanalysis data,
- making significant improvements in accuracy, scope and resolution
mostly focussed on wind turbine performance and demand supply matching
- Only UCL modelling demand
- recently this field has expanded to include research in Germany
- and incorporated into energy systems optimisations
- Hardware, software and data have all improved and continue to do so - the relationship between weather and power remain more or less the same ...
Wind Simulation Fundamentals
- establish the wind speed at the location of simulation
- Assume that nearby measurement represents the site
- Mast data or grid point reanalysis
- Or try to more closely represent conditions by altering wind speeds somehow
- Statistical or dynamic downscaling
- Assume that nearby measurement represents the site
- Estimate the wind speed at the height of turbine
- Extrapolate upwards using law of choice
- Or down if using pressure level wind speeds
- Convert wind speed to powers
- Using measured relationship
- Or physical relationship
- Choose whether to include swept area and wind density?
Simulating or estimating generation relies on a 3 step fundamental process, details will comein the following model examples
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model
GB only, CFSR drive, gridded model of wind generation for scenario disaggregation
- Use only grid point centroid values, assuming that these represent the conditions within the grid square.
- To establish that this was the case, points were evaluated against 10 m MIDAS data
- Strong correlation and low error found (plots)
- High sites less well represented, these aren't used for development however
- Might not be suitable for areas with complex terrain
- Only 1 near surface height therefore extrapolate using the power law with a single assumed exponent for onshore and one for offshore
- Simplification of surface roughness and atmospheric conditions (room for improvement)
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model II
Convert to power using one offshore and one onshore archetypal curve and uniform hub heights
- A simplified method ...
- Not a very high degree of accuracy
- Method does, however, facilitate scenario analysis, particularly when paired with demand modelling, described later
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model III
- Exclude land from development
- Identify high value areas
- Allocate annual capacity to available zones
- Simulate
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM - Spatiotemporal demand model
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
SpWind - PhD outputs
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
MERRA driven, wind farm specific, Global Capacity factor timeseries derivation
- Closest four points bilinearly interpolated to farm location
Curve fitted using wind speeds at 2, 10 and 50 m using a linearised version of the log law equation
- friction velocity and roughnesss length estimated using least squares optimisation (scipy).
- This stage of the model can be evaluated by comparing timeseries to met masts
- Some sites better than other - higher degree of accuracy where all close points have similar surface conditions
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
- All wind farms simulated separately using data from the
- Site specific wind speed heights and farm curves
- Increased detail necessitates the use of Legion - great when it works ...
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
- The use of MERRA, including multiple wind speed heights, combined with site specific simulation and metadata significantly improves the accuracy of historic simulation
- Evaluating simulated wind generation is relatively straightforward due to good information on capacity and generation
- Countries with large diverse capacity are easier to simulate, as demonstrated by the plots of simualted vs measure German and UK wind
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
- Location specific simualtion or countries wiht less spatial diversity are less easy to simulate and verfiy, as demonstrated by the plot of a single UK wind farm and Finland.
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
- Scenario modelling using European data can be more sophisticated than SpWIND due to more data
- e.g. data on different classifications of wind farm as shown in the plots
- Scenarios first use operational, then under construction, approved and planned
- Therefore representative of evolving capacity.
- Overall the RESTLESS method significantly improves accuracy and capability of Energy Space Time wind simulation
- The maintained MERRA database also enables significant other work
Method improvements
Factors not incorporated in model
- Wake Effects
- Downtime
- Lag in turbine operation
- Energy Density over blades
- Air density
- Decline in performance with age
- Wind speed changes < 1 hour in frequency Location specific turbine curves
- Operating efficiency
- Atmospheric stability, surface roughness and orography in height correction
- Despite the considerable work and excellent data there is still a lot of room for improvement in the simulation, mainly down to the factors described to the right
- Some of this can be theoretically incorporated through statistcial alterations of the curves, as seen on the right
- Or better calibration, though this is not trivial
- Improved wind speed data can also be introduced in future studies
- Particularly in regional studies or those addressing climate change.
Solar generation
MERRA driven, gridded, global capacity factor timeseries derivation
- Like wind, methods for simulating solar generation are well established
- Even better, some of the are already coded in Python.
- For that reason Stefan Pfenningers GSEE model was used for PV generation estimation in RESTLESS, as described in the plot
- It was adapted slightly to run for all MERRA grid points for all hours
- Assuming a 1 MW fixed panel with optimum direction and tilt
- 207, 937 points * 8760 hours * 37 years
- > 67 billion generation values
*legion required again
Solar generation - global monthly capacity factors using 1980 meteorology
Solar generation - global hourly capacity factors using 1980 meteorology
Solar generation
- Evaluation and calibration of a solar simulation model is harder to carry out than wind, due to limited information on installed capacity and uncertain measured generation timeseries
- The meteorology is much simpler, however, therefore if some confidence can be gained in the simulation scenario modelling means simply multiplying capacity factors by assumed future capacities
- Climate change is unlikely to effect irradiance as much as wind speed over larger spatial scopes.
Methods for evaluating accuracy and variability
- Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)– using the in built pandas method .mad(), which does not totally agree with the manual method. A higher number describes larger deviation around the mean (or median) value.
- Un biased Variance (Var) - using the in built pandas method .cov(). See Covariance description below.
- Standard Deviation (StD) - using the in built pandas method .std(). A measure of dispersion around the mean. Low standard deviation indicates values are close to the mean.
- Mean - using the in built pandas method .std(). Indicates average value of timeseries.
- Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (P) - using the in built pandas method .corr(). unbiased variance. 1 equals perfect positive correlation. Correlation is a normalised version of Covariance (therefore between 1 and -1) which allows comparison of different variables.
- Kendall’s Tau Correlation Coefficient (KTau) - using the in built pandas method .corr(). unbiased variance
- R2 correlation coefficient (R2) – using scipy.stats.linregress(x, y) - 1 equals perfect positive correlation
- Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE m/s) – using a formula. Average difference between timeseries.
- Covariance (COV) - using the in built pandas method .cov() the same measure as variance, but between timeseries. pairwise covariance. Covariance is a numerical measure that indicates the inter-dependency between two variables. A covariance of 0 indicates that the variables are totally independent. while a high and positive covariance value means that a variable is big when the other is big.
Case Study - Simulating wind and solar generation in South Korea
Simulating Renewable Generation
By Ed Sharp
Simulating Renewable Generation
Methods and Data for simulating renewable generation from meteorological data
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