Espen Henriksen

Front-end team lead

Oslo Market Solutions




OMS' Component Library



  • OMS have many different customers
  • Each have their own distinctive style
  • The same data is always present on many customers' sites
  • Solution: Build a component library!
  • Our components cannot be opinionated in design
  • White label

Ease of use

  • If it is easy to reuse, people will reuse
  • People get time to do other stuff
  • Less debugging, works out of the box
  • Fix it once, fix it everywhere
  • Easy and consistent upgrade path

Hide complexity

  • OMS has a proprietary API for fetching market data
  • Defined in a "spec"
  • API is sometimes complex
  • Data fetching is encapsulated inside each component
  • Configure data fetching using props instead of building a spec


  • Everyone is temporarily able-bodied
  • If you live long enough, you'll become disabled
  • WCAG
  • Fix accessibility one place
  • More rigorous review
  • Less to audit
  • Stricter linting

Show & tell

A component


😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍



  • Internationalization
  • Can't (practically) avoid text inside components
  • We want to support any and all languages
  • The library can't assume to know what languages will be available
  • Up to the consumer of the component to define correct translations


  • GitHub under webpack-contrib
  • Replaces compile time
  • No language keys, natual language as key
  • Define translations in json
  • Abandoned?
  • Maybe context next time



  • Babel for ESM and CommonJS output
  • Rollup for UMD output
  • Each pushed branch deploys a new version of the styleguidist documentation site
  • Pre-commit hooks with tests, prettier, eslint and stylelint

Why not atomic design?

Code drift

  • Story time
  • Everyone used to write their own components
  • Each slightly different
  • Copied from one project to the next
  • Components drifted and became different over time
  • Solved by centralizing the code

Self contained

  • Standard components with standard behavior
  • Exactly the same content across many websites
  • Everyone's problem domain is unique
  • Our solution is not the right one for everyone

Thanks for listening!


OMS' Component Library

By Eline H

OMS' Component Library

  • 15