Library Resources

for SOC 3380


Elizabeth Torres

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HPU Discovery

Discovery is our one search engine. Searches across several databases and our print collection.

Select Databases to Search

When selecting a database, consider the types of material it indexes and the disciplines it covers. Multidisciplinary databases cover a larger amount of publications but specialized databases index more discipline focused publications.

Research Tip: Databases index journals but that does not guarantee that they provide access to the actual content. Look for "Find It" link to articles you want but do not see full-text options.

Searching in Databases 

 Databases use specific commands to connect and search your terms, the most common ones are....




Research Tip: Databases have a help link where they discuss search commands more extensively, each database has its own algorithm.  

Searching in Databases 

Start with a basic search for 1 or 2 concepts then move to advance search where you can combine different terms and utilize limiters to filter results.

Basic Search 

Advanced Search 


Finding Articles  

When you find possible articles of interest, look at terms associated with that article to consider in future searches.

Terms to Consider  

Research Tip: Explore more terms to search with by conducting a subject headings search.

Finding Articles  


Look for the Full Text links or PDFs. If Full Text is not available click on the "Find It" link, that will verify if HPU  has access to a specific article via another database or in print. 

Finding Articles  

In the case that the database you are searching does not have a Full Text option and the Find It link states Full Text cannot be found.  You can request the article via our Inter-library Loan program (ILL). 

ILL will request the

article from other

institutions and

when received they

will email it to you.


This process takes

between 3 to 8

working days.

If the "Request This

Item" link is not

properly working,

use the ILL Article

Request Form.

Newspapers Articles  

When looking for articles on a specific newspaper use the Periodicals listing, make sure you select the proper date range. Example search for Honolulu Star  coverage 2010-Present 

Newspapers Articles  

Search within the publication, avoid going to general database search. 

Organizing Your Sources   

Save the citation information of sources and make notes of specific pages where you find valuable passages.  

Numerous databases provide citation information, however, these usually have punctuation mistakes so make sure you check with the proper citation style manual.

Remember that citing is part of the scholarly conversation on a topic. 


Journal Article

Sources cited

in the article

Sources that

cited the article

APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and publication year for the source should appear in the text, like, for example, (Smith, 1999).  


If the work does not have an author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses. ("Mastering Zotero," 2015).


If there is no date, the abbreviation n.d. may be used eg. (Smith, n.d.)







Note: If there is no date, the abbreviation n.d. may be used eg. (Smith, n.d.)


APA Citations     

APA Citations     

APA In-Text Citations     

Type of Citation Parenthetical  Narrative
No author

Use italics if the work title is in italics in reference list (books).

If title is not italicised use double quotations and title case, shorten titles

If Anonymoused is used in source use it.

A book with no author:
(Escape rooms, 2020)
An article with no author:
("Understanding the Gaming in Education," 2018)
(Anonymous, 2020)

A book with no author:
In Escape rooms (2020) there is ...
An article with no author:
In "Understanding the Gaming in Education" (2018) there is a description...
Anonymous (2020) examined…
Group as author with abbreviation First  citation with full name and abbreviation:
(Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019)
Subsequent citations:
(CDC, 2019)
First citation with full name and abbreviation:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2019)
Subsequent citations:                      The CDC (2019) provided …
Citing multiple works Alphabetical order
(Jones, 2020; Ports of Auckland, 2019; Smith et al., 2020)
Any order
Smith et al. (2020), Jones (2020), and Ports of Auckland (2019) examined ...
Personal communication
Not recoverable. Do not include in the reference list.
(E. Chapman, personal communication, January 20, 2020) E. Chapman (personal communication, January 20, 2020) informed me of ...

APA In-Text Citations     

Generally, writers should read and cite the original sources  rather than secondary sources (works that are cited within the sources).  If you cannot access the original source.



Parenthetical Citation

Narattive Citation

APA Reference Citations     

Note: APA 7 advises writers to include a DOI (if available), even when using the print source.

APA Reference Citations     

Note: If no DOI, use stable URLs that function similarly to DOIs. These are preferable to ordinary URLs copied and pasted from the browser's address bar.

Other APA examples:


APA Reference Citations     

Search Activity

In teams of two or three, find articles using the databases we covered. Each team member will find one article.

Together find the correct APA citation for all articles found. 


Input your findings at:

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SOC 3380

By Elizabeth Torres

SOC 3380

Research Plan

  • 815