Daniel Emaasit
Data Scientist @HaystaxTech, Ph.D. Candidate @UNLV, Bayesian Machine Learning Researcher, Organizer of Data Science Meetups. User of #PyMC3.
Daniel Emaasit
PhD Student
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Call Detail Records (CDR):- from cell phones
- GPS, social media, Bluetooth, cellphone, etc.
1. Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model (Baratchi et al., 2014)
2. Topic Model (Farrahi and Gatica, 2014)
4. Hidden Semi Markov Model (Paiement et al., 2015)
3. Relational Markov Network (Widhalm et al., 2015)
... etc
Non-parametric models make weaker assumptions that permit their complexity to grow with the size and complexity of observed data
- Place a Dirichlet Process (DP) prior on the number of mixing components
They match ground truth activities “Other”, “At home” and “Other”, respectively.
By Daniel Emaasit
2017 Transportation Analytics Contest
Data Scientist @HaystaxTech, Ph.D. Candidate @UNLV, Bayesian Machine Learning Researcher, Organizer of Data Science Meetups. User of #PyMC3.