Kievan Rus'

Emin Mastizada

In The Beginning...

East Slavs

Siege of Constantinople

June, 860

Rurik (830-879)

Rurik Dynasty (862-1612)

Oleg of Novgorod (879-912)

* Moved Capital to Kiev

* Raid against Constantinople in 907

* Small attacks on Caspian shore

Igor of Kiev (914-945)

* Rus'–Byzantine Treaty (945)

* Major attacts in Caspian shore


Slavic Paganism (I century-988)

* Rod (Perun) - Almighty God

* Mother Earth

* Different spirits

Christianity - Orthodox (988-)

* Started in 867 by Byzantine Empire

* Development of Cyrillic Alphabet

* Completed with Vladimir's
                       baptism in 988

Social Structure

  1. Local princes and their families
  2. Boyars
  3. Artisans and Merchants
  4. Peasants (poor people)
  5. Slaves


  • Agriculture
  • Iron mining
  • Handicraft
  • sribnyk and zlatnyk as first coins by Vladimir

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Kievan Rus'

By Emin Mastizada

Kievan Rus'

  • 215