Space Race

1955 - 1975

In The Beginning

1942 - 1946

1940 - 1949


>5500 km

1953, 1957

1954, 1957

Sergei Korolev

1907 - 1966

Wernher von Braun

1912 - 1977

President Truman, Paperclip

May 2, 1945

After failure of US Navy, Kaputnik

International Geophysical Year

1957 - Start of Space Race

Sputnik 1, October 4, 1957

Dwight Eisenhower

Explorer 1, January 31, 1958

Laika, Sputnik 2

3 November 1957

Nikita Khrushchev's order

40th anniversary of the October Revolution

Luna Missions

1959 - 3 missions

February 3, 1966

Soft landing of Luna 9

Venera 1

February 12, 1961

US: December 14, 1962,

Mariner 2

Impact by Venera 3

March 1, 1966

First Human in Space

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

April 12, 1961

Vostok 1

First Human in Space

Alan Shepard

May 5, 1961

Mercury-Redstone 3

"We choose to go to the Moon"

Bay of Pigs Invasion, 17 April 1961


Loosing to Soviets in Space Race


Proposal to work together with Soviets

September 12, 1962

Project Gemini

1961 - 1966, First docking: March 16, 1966

First Woman in Space

June 16, 1963 Vostok 6


July 19, 1963


December 5, 1963

Satellite Navigation System (satnav)



China: BDS (BeiDou)

Europe: Galileo


1964 - 1966

Pavel Belyayev, Alexey Leonov 18 March, 1965

Voskhod 2

US: Gemini 4, June 3, 1965

Mariner 4 (MARS)

July 14, 1965

Automated Docking

October 30, 1967

Cosmos 186 / Cosmos 188

Escaping Earth

December 21, 1968

Apollo 8

Crew Exchange in Space

January 16, 1969

Soyuz 4 / Soyuz 5

July 20, 1969


Buzz Aldrin

Neil Armstrong

Michael Collins



End of the

Space Race?

September 24, 1970

Luna 16

November 23, 1970

Lunokhod 1

December 15, 1970

Venera 7 Landing

November 27, 1971

Mars 2, First Mars Impact

December 2, 1971

Mars 3

December 12, 1970

X-ray Observatory

July 31, 1971

Lunar Rover

November 14, 1971

Mariner 9, Mars orbit

November 15, 1972

Gamma Ray Observatory

February 5, 1974

Mariner 10, Gravity Assist

Salyut 1

April 19, 1971


May 14, 1973

Leaving the Sun

March 2, 1972 - Pioneer 10, Jupiter mission

September 5, 1977 - Voyager 1

August 20, 1977 - Voyager 2


July 15, 1975

Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes

Richard Nixon & Leonid Brezhnev

April 1972

Agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space

George H. W. Bush & Boris Yeltsin

June 1992


April 1967 - 1988

Warsaw Pact

Turkey's Space Program

July 17, 2013 - Roketsan ordered to build Space Launch System (UFS)

The Space Group Command will be established

under the Turkish Air Force

$100 million budget

Emin Mastizada


Prepared for ATA102 Lecture, 2018

Space Race

By Emin Mastizada

Space Race

Space Race between USSR and US

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