hello! my name is ernesto

open source

I have been using Free and Open Source Software for more than 10 years now (since my first Linux installation).

During that time, my best contribution has been spreading the word and FOSS philosophy, as well as letting unexperienced users to know open source alternatives and how to use them in a daily basis.


I'm an experienced user of many Open Source GIS software, as QGIS, GRASS and PostGIS. 

Although I'm a beginner with code, I'm familiar with the most popular mapping APIs, as LeafletJS and OpenLayers. You can see a few examples of that on my blog and GitHub profile.

I have experience working remotely.



skills and aptitudes

  • Fast learner, motivated and perfectionist.
  • Willing to work as a team member, but I'm also a very productive solo worker.
  • Patient and well-disposed to teaching.
  • Social, amiable and good communication skills.

other things 

  • Enjoy nature and traveling.
  • I love technology. I'm very aware of its advantages, but also of its social and environmental costs.
  • I firmly believe that we can produce a better world, and that information and open data will have a major part in that.

Have a good day, 

wherever you are!


Twitter: @ernesmb

GitHub: ernesmb

email: ernesmb@gmail.com

web: southmapping.com

Hello world!

By Ernesto Martínez Becerra

Hello world!

This is a professional presentation.

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