The storyline also follows the conventions of urban youth dramas and follows the coming of age of a urban teenager who presented with the problems of urban living such as drugs, crime, and violence. Urban youth films centered around this storyline have been immensely popular among our intended target audience such as Kidulthood, Adulthood, and My Murder.
However, with our storyline with have also defied conventions by making our urban youth film female orientated whereas urban youth films are almost always focused by males so because of this twist in conventions we think will be able attract more of our target audience who are bored of the repetitive story lines.
Role of the rough cut feedback
The rough cut feedback gave us a lot of criticism so we took that criticism and made our movie a lot better because of it. The feedback helped open our eyes to the little details that can make parts of the title sequence that could be much better such as lighting and camerawork.
However, much of our feedback was generally positive so we didn't generally change much.
Most of our feedback was from our fellow classmates who fit our intended target audience so the feedback given by them was generally helpful and it ensured that our title sequence was suitable for our intended target audience
How have we reached our target audience so far?
Because of our target audience we have have reached our audience by different forms of social media such as Twitter Facebook events, and have even created our own website. These are just a few of the ways that we could reach our audience by thinking what they do mostly online such as going on YouTube, just roaming the internet and so on.
Because of our film is a independent youth film we weren't able to get a wide distribution therefore we weren't able to attract another audience that had not anticipated as due our low budget our focus was on our intended target audience;
Also, we assume everyone who watch our film will be able to relate to one of the characters in the film as followed the usually stereotypes of urban youth yet still made the characters quite realistic.
I think that the aspects of our film do appeal to the target audience because we focus on the conventions of urban youth films. For example, the inner city urban setting of a council estate will be relatable to our specific target audience who are likely to live in similar areas
How did you attract/address your audience?
By estaah97
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