Estella González Madison
Revitalizing a
cross-functional product organization
Deepa Subramaniam
& Lara Hogan, Wherewithall
@iamdeepa & @lara_hogan

Seamless collaboration requires clarity
Lack of role clarity manifests as inertia, chaos or ambivalence.
Create living product processes and documentation
Without it you risk re-inventing the wheel, duplicating efforts and unnecessary disagreement.
Set ground rules for meetings
Don’t interrupt someone while they're talking.
Stay curious
Everyone is smart and trying
No open phones/laptops
Etsy’s charter of mindful communication
Reflect on the dynamic in the room
Be aware of your medium
Elevate the conversation
Listen to learn
Join forces
Disjointed things happen in siloed teams.
Lead cross-org meetings. Send cross-org emails. Roll out information to everyone in tandem.
Collaborative Debugging
Jackie Luo, Square
Assumption: Each person should claim a bug,
then fix it.
If we had been debugging collaboratively, each person would have left breadcrumbs for the next person to make sure as little progress was lost as
Traps on the Path to Microservices
George Woskob, Thoughtworks
3 major traps on the path from monolith to microservices
Underestimating the cost of a microservice
Neglecting the monolith
Underestimating the cost of a microservice
Operational costs
Integration costs
Developer’s costs
It's all about automation!
• Dev workstation
• Test data
• Networking
Contract tests
Too much shared code can create too many dependencies and tie you to a particular stack
QA can become a blocker (organizational overcentralization)
Avoid too much shared code by following rules of library design, have a consensus on standards over shared implementation, no business logic
Integrate Ops and QA on your dev teams
Neglecting the monolith
The monolith will be gone soon!
Monolith's are a panacea
Always be improving your monolith!
(test it) -
Ensure you use Martin Fowler's strangler pattern
The Critical Career Path Conversation
John Riviello, Comcast
Myths on becoming a manager
It's the same job
It's less work
It's a promotion
Verbal contracts are binding
Always have an office
What John learned about managers
1/10 have all the talent
2/10 have some tallent
82% of the time companies choose the wrong candidate
Talented managers contribute ~48% higher profit than avg managers
Always have an office
Switching tracks:
going back to being an IC
Come up with the transition plan: try to align it with a reorganization.
Talk to your directs reports and let them know it was you that made the decision, and highlight the benefits of working somewhere where they have that flexibility.
Ask yourself
What excites you
Immerse yourself in the skills of a manager
Life is sharing
Feature Flags
Fear of the computer
Maggie Zhou, Slack
The continuous culture
Kim van Wilgen, ANVA
What is a feature flag?
A technique to toggle some functionality of your application on/off, via configuration, without deploying new code.
Play key part in CI scheme where features are constantly being deployed but not necessarily "released" into production.
Helps avoid
• too many branches
• merge conflicts
• cherry-picking / reverts
• destabilizing your codebase
Martin Fowler's example
It's not really A/B testing
For true A/B testing you want to use a tool like Heap or Optimizely.
Intersectional & Inclusive Standards for Developers
Patricia Realini,
Double consciousness
W. E. B. Du Bois
It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.
Tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality.
Barbara Carrasco
Chicana artist. In 1999, she made a portrait of Dolores Huerta.
“There are so many icons of men, and icons of women painted by men, that I wanted (as a woman) to create an iconic image of Huerta to recognize her as an equal of César Chávez and, historically, the most important negotiator for the United Farm Workers.”

Underrepresented groups are often not given credit where credit is due.
Ringelmann effect
The tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases.
Social loafing
Phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work alone.
In a work setting, avoid this by:
• keeping teams small
• dividing work equally
Managers should ask about people's communication styles.
Ask how someone recharges to help them deal with toxic situations they can't avoid.
Give specific feedback and objectives tied to business goals.
That's it!
The Lead Developer 2018
By Estella Gonzalez Madison
The Lead Developer 2018
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