Introduction to the fastest, most secure and reliable blockchain in the world


You're dealing with the most fastest and resilient blockchain ever.

Wait! I'll explain

Questions? Please ask ...


Can we take a journey!

Now, let's take a journey

100K+ TPS IT IS!!

Officially it was 65K (around), but we're waiting for on more advances servers.



It's not us. It's them

What are they doing wrong?

How does it do it?

Is it cheating the game?

Better Than SOLOMON

Can we say this for sure?


You can't lie about your HISTORY???

You can. MATH can't. The best partner in life EVER.

Doesn't matter what you did, what matter is when you did it, and can you change it?

– Eugene Mutai // FOMOWeekly

And we can prove it!!!

No Questions please.

Facts only!!!

Available 24/7 every year

We love you so much, and we will never forget.

Ethereum enters

You can't talking about how you're the best without the other party being jealous.

How is it better than Ethereum, the mother of all smart contract blockchains?!?!

During the tough ideation phase, which might be always the case, as you don't know when the problem ends, expect us to still be the fastest market proven blockchain.



It takes time to perfect things. Just like you. We are on self-discovery journey. Our team makes each part of the build phase seamless with regular check-ins and deliverables.



We began this journey definitely smarter than when it was an idea. Expect us to keep improving upon our own mistakes and complishment. Us means all of us together





By Eugene Mutai


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