Education in Belgium

lesson #3


Social Orientation course

Agentschap Integratie & Inburgering




Lesson #1 General Information

Lesson #2 The education system

Lesson #3 Lifelong Learning


What exactly do we mean by lifelong learning?

What do you think are the benefits of lifelong learning?

Some examples...

+ Social Network

+ Active citizenship

+ Personal Development

What do you want to learn? 

Can you think of something you want to learn?

It can be anything...

Hopefully at the end of this presentation you will know where you can learn this

We will look now at 4 institutions for lifelong learning

  1. Adult education
  2. Basic adult education
  3. Vocational training for the labour market
  4. Part-time education in the arts


  • Adult education is unrelated to the initial educational career

  • Course participants may obtain a recognized diploma, qualification or certificate in adult education

  • From 18 years old

  • Often in the evening or on Saturday

1. Adult education

French-speaking adult education   = école de promotion social

Dutch-speaking adult education = CVO

Adult education: Many options...

Degree of Secondary education

Learn Dutch (NT2) or other languages

  • Courses for adults with a low degree of education
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Arithmetic classes
    • ICT
    • Dutch for non-native Dutch-speakers
    • Step-up English/French
    • ...

2. Adult basic education

Dutch: ‘BRUSSEL-Leer’


‘Lire et Ecrire’

  • Many types of vocational training: construction, metal, computer science, catering, food, transport, textiles, cleaning, child care, etc.

3. Vocational training for the labour market


Bruxelles Formation



  • Part-time education in the arts (Deeltijds Kunst-onderwijs) is additional education for both children, youngsters and adults

  • It aims at the artistic formation of children and adults

4. Part-time education in the arts

 In addition, there is a wide range of training courses offered by non-profit organisations in Brussels.

Also in the community centres and from friends and family you can learn many things.


Here are some examples:

So what do you think about lifelong learning?

To do:

write a short paragraph on lifelong education

1) what you think of lifelong learning

2) if there is something you still want to learn and if you know where you can learn it....


Post it in the assignment doc

Now you have finished the 3 lessons about education in Belgium.

Do you remember what we asked you at the start of the first lesson?

Were the 2 things mentioned throughout the 3 lessons?

If not, write it in the assignment doc

To complete the lesson, you can pratice what your learned.

Do your assinment on Ggl Classroom

Education in Belgium part03

By Eyad Elbalawi

Education in Belgium part03

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