inSync Cloud & Docker
An experiment in Predictability & Scalability
Faisal Puthuparackat <>
inSync Cloud now
- 2 types of machines: CloudMaster & Nodes
- Needs MySQL or RDS
- Needs DynamoDB or Bynamo
- Needs S3/Object Store/Shared FS
Each Cloud Node...
- Runs Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Uses tarballs for python, bdb libs and sources
- Config is stored in /etc/inSync* folders
- Apps log to syslog-ng, which then log to /var/log/inSync and also remote logger service
Uses custom scripts (fabric) for deployment and management
A machine is one functional unit.
Old Vagrant (vcloud)
Runs 2 VM instances
Takes typically 15-30 mins to bring up
Network heavy during launch
Can’t access/sync from other machines
Issues with current inSync Cloud deployments
Need to upgrade packages on the machines to mitigate security issues as we find them
Rolling upgrade of individual components on the same machine is difficult
M/c environment is built as part of deployment. If components are changed later, dev/testing/deployment images will differ from each other
Enter Docker.
Containers for virtualization
Like “chroot” on steroids
Private namespaces
Works using filesystem layers
With COW fs layers on top of that
FS layers repository
Vagrant + Docker + inSync
For Win/Mac, uses a single Vagrant VM to run a minimal docker environment
For Linux, can run using Vagrant - OR natively after installing
What's the big deal?
Each container is Ubuntu 14.04
Only one VM needed (if any) to run the cloud locally
Much smaller CPU footprint
Deployed cloud has a dns-resolvable name and can be reached/synced to from other machines on the LAN
Typical deploy time: ~2-4 mins
Clean-up all data and restart: ~30 secs
What about the cloud?
Each container could be shipped as a complete entity: OS + Env + code, tagged with version, capable or running any one of our cloud processes. Salt-stack could be used to control what daemons run in each container based on the role the node plays.
With above model, a container is a completely predictable, immutable unit. No surprises for QA or staging or production
Upgrades in OS/libs etc means just pushing the new version of the container. One container will not interfere with another
Salt-stack has docker support - so everyone’s happy
Pets vs Sheep
You can never truly achieve scale in the cloud unless you can stop treating your servers as pets and start treating them as sheep.
~ Author unknown
Docker is a step in converting our pets into sheep.
I want it now!!!!
Quickstart guide
1. Checkout trunk
2. Set your cloud name: contrib/vcloud-docker/config.rb
$cloudname = "fcloud"
3. Fire up vagrant. Should complete in 2-4 mins...
$ vagrant up
Your cloud name is set to:
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'http://devsource/lcloud/boxes/'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: vcloud-docker_default_1415606582509_8383
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
default: Adapter 1: nat
default: Adapter 2: bridged
-------------------------------- snipped --------------------------------------
==> default: Spinning up container: node
==> default: Spinning up container: master
==> default: Spinning up container: haproxy
4. Wait a couple minutes for DNS to propagate. You're done!
For more info...
Please check http://genie/wiki/Your+Cloud for detailed usage information and other tips...
Questions ???
By faisyl
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