Related Instruments

By Fasiha Zaheer

Acoustic Genre

Acoustic music instruments can be classified into two : air and solids. The most commonly used air instruments are pipe-like. The most commonly used solid instruments are strings, bars and membranes. 



Instruments in which the air column is moved in a contained pipe-like or vessel-like cavity, and blown into this cavity either by human lungs or mechanical bellows, are known as air instruments. The most common design is in the form of a pipe or tube. Some common instruments include:

  • Flute
  • Harmonium
  • Trumpet



Solids consist of strings, bars and membranes. This classification is far from clear, as membranes and bars might be considered as permanently tensed strings, with much more value on the width axis. And membranes with sound boxes attached (such as the drum vellum attached to the drum box) might be considered as a mixture between strings and pipes. Some of the most common instruments include:

  • Guitar
  • Violin
  • Piano








Rock and Pop Genre

The instruments used in Rock and Pop music are quite similar. But instruments like the electric guitar and drums are essential and the key to rock music. Whereas, in Pop music they are not essential.


These instruments are commonly used in Rock and Pop music:


-Electric Piano:

Piano does not play a huge part in rock music but is used very often.

-Electric Guitar:

It is considered by many to be at the heart of rock music. That being said, it may be hard to think of rock music without a guitar.


Almost all rock music  has a drummer, and the ones who don’t often use other forms of percussion instead, like bongos or an electronic drum machine. It’s not going to feel like rock music without drums because they provide the back beat that keeps the musicians and the audience rocking and rolling. 


A bass player helps to hold the music together.


Related Instruments

By fasihazaheer

Related Instruments

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