GDevelop - FOSDEM 2024
GDevelop presentation at FOSDEM 2024
DevCon gamedev
Native Web Apps, version 2
React, useful modules from the ecosystem and WebAssembly to create ambitious apps. Patterns and tips for create scalable applications at a fast pace.
Native Web Apps: React and WebAssembly to Rewrite Native Apps
React, useful modules from the ecosystem and WebAssembly to create ambitious apps. Patterns and tips for create scalable applications at a fast pace.
Beyond Web-Apps: React and WebAssembly to Port Legacy Native Apps
Talk at React Conf 2018, React Boston 2018 and React Next 2018
Bridges to React Native (2018)
Talk at React Native London meetup
30 months, 30 developers and React Native
Introduction to React Native and its usage for making apps during 30 months with 30 developers.
Retour d'expérience React Native
Retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation de React Native à BAM
Conférence Métier Ensimag 2017
Bridges to React Native
Talk at ReactNext 2017 and React Native EU
Lean & Agile in a nutshell
Mobile Dojo Introduction
"Mobile app creation 101" Workshop for beginners at BAM
Introduction to react-storybook
Internal training at BAM and Renault Digital about react-storybook. Based on examples like https://github.com/4ian/GD
[GameCamp France] Cross-platform games creation with Javascript
Development of cross-platform games (desktop, mobile, web, consoles) with Javascript
[WebAssembly Paris] From a Native App to a Full JS app using Emscripten
[HumanTalks] Naissance, vie et rencontre d'un match
Génération dynamiques d'apps avec React, Redux et Cordova
Talk at ReactJS and React Native Paris (French)
Cross-platform games creation with Javascript
Development of cross-platform games (desktop, mobile, web, consoles) with Javascript
Native Android Development
Internal training at BAM (http://bam.tech)
Using React inside an Angular app
Talk at Angular Paris
Du Web au Mobile
[Best of Web 2016 - Paris]
Internal training at BAM (http://bam.tech)
Introduction to functional tests with Calabash
Quick introduction to functional tests with Calabash
Mobile cross-platform games creation
Les technos hybrides
React Native vs Cordova
Introduction to React Native, explanations of key concepts of the framework & differences with Cordova, and review of some features of React Native - including the developer experience/pain points.