Retour d'expérience
React Native
Présentation de React Native
- Announced by Facebook in March 2015
- Used on iOS in production by Facebook since 2015
- Android support since late 2015
61 000 stars on GitHub in March 2018
- #13 open-source repository on GitHub March 2018
Usage in the wild
- Used by instagram since 2017
- Used by Airbnb since 2016
- Used by Walmart, Bloomberg, Tesla
How it works
Not based on "WebViews"
React Native (iOS/Android)
JavaScript engine
Javascript code (React)
How it works
React Native native code
JavaScript engine
App code (React)
Platform (iOS/Android)
React Native APIs
native modules
How it works
App code (React)
- Application entirely written in Javascript (ES2018)
- React Native exposes native components (View, Text, TouchableOpacity...)
- You can use native APIs provided by React Native (Geolocation, CameraRoll...)
- Flowtype or optionally Typescript
- Unit testing with Jest (or Mocha optionally)
- e2e testing with Detox or native solutions
Key features
- Platform-specific UI components
- Native mobile gesture
- Fluid transitions
- Native effects (e.g. "Ripple" effects)
Native-like User Experience
Apps can't be distinguished from a native app
- Javascript code is isolated from native rendering
Applications are rendered at 60fps
- Native rendering is done asynchronously (bridge)
- Any "lag" in business logic/heavy computation won't slowdown the interface
Single codebase
- Components can be specialized for a platform
A single app exists and has to be maintained
- 90% code reuse between iOS and Android
- A single development team can deliver on iOS and Android
Fast learning curve
Web skills can be ported to React Native
- ~3 weeks onboarding for a new developer
- Most engineers won't need to learn specific iOS or Android development skills
- ~1 week onboarding for a React.js developer
Comparison with PhoneGap/Cordova (or Web Views)
Comparison with Phonegap/Cordova
- Not based on "WebViews" (native app feeling)
React Native is:
- Easier to dig into native code (e.g: integrating Zendesk)
Harder to:
- Push changes without store submission (can still be done with CodePush)
- Development should be done on a Mac for iOS
During development
- Large ecosystem, lots of components
React Native ecosystem:
Harder to:
- Debugging is done with Chrome Debugger but not as complete as with webviews
- Developers must sometimes deal with native tooling (XCode, Android Studio)
- Most APIs (geolocation...) are backed in React Native
- Regular upgrades, needs care from developers
Retours sur des problématiques rencontrées
RN inside a native app
- Integration is invisible for end user
- Need to onboard existing native developers
3rd party SDKs
- Stripe
- Firebase Analytics
- Zendesk
- Push notifications (Batch.com...)
Reuse of codebase for web apps
- We can share all business logic
Same code for a native app and a webapp?:
- Same for API
Feasible, but require adaptations for:
- User interactions
- Routing
- Same for components implementing business rules
Reuse of codebase for web apps
React Native for Web
React Native for Web Community (BAM)
Retour d'expérience React Native
By Florian Rival
Retour d'expérience React Native
Retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation de React Native à BAM
- 1,956