Naming & Using Design Tokens –
a strategy guide

01 Naming
02 Using


Naming Levels

  1. Namespace (theme, Design System, product)
  2. Object (component, group)
  3. Category
  4. Property
  5. Modifier (scale, variant, state)





The more levels, the more descriptive

Just the necessary levels



Base Level

Category Level

  • Tokens exist within a category like color, font or space 
  • Categories may overlap, sometimes
  • Avoid homonyms


  • color
  • font
  • space
  • size
  • elevation
  • breakpoints
  • depth (or shadow)
  • radius (or radii)
  • time (or animation)

Property Level

Property Level

  • Pairs with a Category
  • Category + Property not purposefully alone
  • Tend to exchange due to CSS syntax


  • Color Text
  • Color Background
  • Color Border
  • Font Size
  • Font Weight
  • Font Family

Properties are in bold

Modifiers Level

Modifiers Level

  • Used independently or together
  • Always paired with Category or Property
  • Could describe a state, variant or scale

Modifier / Variants

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Success / Confirmation 
  • Error / Danger / Alert / Critical
  • Warning
  • Info



Modifier / State

  • hover
  • active
  • focus
  • disabled
  • visited
  • error

Modifier / Scale

  • Numeric scale 2x, 3x, 4x
  • Proportions xsmall, small, default, medium, large, xlarge
  • Ordered 100, 200, 300, 400 or 10, 20, 30, 40
  • T-Shirt (xs,sm,base,md,lg,xl,xxl)

How to deal Light/Dark mode 

Light / Dark mode

  • Use light/dark at Modifier Level 🤓
  • Use light/dark at Namespace Level 🤨 
  • Keep the token name the same 🤩

light/dark at modifier level



light/dark at modifier level

Using the modifier level impose you to specify both light and dark variant

light/dark at namespace level


Easy to align with design tools like Figma



Primitives are the backbone of design tokens, they are immutable

Primitives Characteristics

  • Immutable
  • Raw
  • Bullet Three

Three Groups of Primitives

  • Colors
  • Text
  • Space

Color Primitives

Assign a color primitive to a design token in Figma

Don't use primitives as direct token in your CSS

Design tokens should point to global/primitives


Within a component we will not use the global design tokens directly

Add a middle layer


A limited, well-know set of tokens guides designers and devs to make choices

No single token includes all potential levels

Some levels are rarely needed

Others, tend to be mutually exclusive

Avoid dogmatically including all levels possible

// Good

// Bad, redundant

or Specificity ?

The right name

  • Descriptive
  • Semantic
  • Memorable
  • Flexible enough

Comprehensive + concise

Using tokens inside CSS classes

Class name should reflect the scope, not only the usage. For utility class too.

.spacing-stack {
  margin-bottom: var(--spacing-stack-xl);
  @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    margin-bottom: var(--spacing-stack-xxl);

.spacing-stack tell us about the vertical space alignment, nothing more. But we use two tokens inside it

.spacing-sections {
  margin-bottom: var(--spacing-stack-xl);
  @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    margin-bottom: var(--spacing-stack-xxl);

.spacing-sections tell us more about the scope - spacing a page section > more defined range > not a utility because two tokens usage > object class (ITCSS)

Spacing tokens

Space rivals color in frequency of use within a library’s style rules


A visual reference, akin to a cheatsheet, of spatial concepts

CSS classes aren't tokens

Space Divide Us

Space epitomizes the “I design this way, you build that way” gap between design and dev

Design Tokens are more related to design and the architecture of a DS rather than code.

Gonzalo Vásquez on Design Tokens


By Francesco Improta


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