
{ "name": "Felix Kunde" , "email": ""}





Initial Idea:

Version control for 3D city models

Existent solution for 3DCityDB

  • Version control of a proprietary DBMS

  • Linear versioning with timestamps

  • Working in different "workspaces" (hierachical versioning)

  • Merging of workspaces is possible

  • Great in theory, but working not so well in the field ...


  • Clear separation between production and archive state

  • Handling former DB states should be understandable

  • Performance matters


  • Developing a version control for PostgreSQL

  • Linear versioning by using audit triggers

  • Access to former DB states by copying the logged information into a separate schema (either as VIEW or TABLE)

  • But: Being able to revert single transactions

  • Hierarchical versioning could be done in the same way

Some existent solutions

(Did not know there were so many in advance)

QGIS DB Manager

Version control of spatial data

PostgreSQL Logical Decoding

  • New API since PG 9.4 to access replication streams

  • Decoding the WAL logs

  • Allows for bidirectional replication >> Multi-Master-Cluster

  • Export changes to replication slots

  • Auditing and versioning are both possible

  • Output plugins: WAL-Format >> wished format

  • More Infos: DocuFOSS4G NA, Postgres Open, FOSDEM, PgConfRu 

    How it all started with pgMemento

    Table row >> row_to_json(OLD) >> JSON

    JSON >> json_populate_record(null::test_table, JSON) >> Table row

    Generic tracking of changes


    1. Run PL/pgSQL scripts

    2. Create triggers

    3. Create Audit_ID columns

    4. Log existing data as "INSERT"ed

    Log tables

    transaction_log ( 
      txid BIGINT, 
      stmt_date TIMESTAMP, 
      user_name TEXT, 
      client_name TEXT); 
    table_event_log ( 
      id SERIAL, 
      transaction_id BIGINT, 
      op_id SMALLINT, 
      table_operation VARCHAR(8), 
      schema_name TEXT, 
      table_name TEXT, 
      table_relid OID); 
    row_log (
      id BIGSERIAL, 
      event_id INTEGER, 
      audit_id BIGINT, 
      changes JSONB);

    INSERT case

    ... and how it affects the log tables

    UPDATE case

    UPDATE building SET measured_height = 12.8 WHERE id = 1;

    DELETE case

    Fast queries thanks to GIN index

    CREATE INDEX row_log_changes_idx ON pgmemento.row_log USING GIN (changes); 

    JSON query: Which transactions has changed a certain column?

    SELECT t.txid 
    FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t
    JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON t.txid = e.transaction_id
    JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_id =
      r.audit_id = 4 
      (r.changes ? 'measured_height'); 

    ->  Index Scan using row_log_audit_idx on row_log r
          Index Cond: (audit_id = 4)
          Filter: (changes ? 'measured_height'::text) 

    JSON query 2: Searching for a specific key-value combination

    SELECT DISTINCT audit_id FROM pgmemento.row_log
      changes @> '{"measured_height": 0.0}'::jsonb; 

    -> Bitmap Index Scan on row_log_changes_idx
         Index Cond: (changes @> '{"measured_height": 0.0}'::jsonb)

    Restore a former table

    or database state

    SELECT pgmemento.restore_schema_state(
      1,                       -- Start of time slice
      1002,                    -- End of time slice
      'citydb',                -- Source schema
      'state_before_delete',   -- Target schema
      'TABLE',                 -- Relation type
      ARRAY['spatial_ref_sys'] -- Exclude tables

    What happens internally?

    • Get valid rows for the given time slice?
    • Fetch Audit_IDs smaller that transaction ID (Distinct)
    • Exclude Audit_IDs of already deleted entries

    Find old values

    • Get columns of a table at timestamp x.
    • Search for the next appearance of the column inside the log tables  (Audit_ID >= Transaction_ID, because Audit_ID < Transaction_ID only refers to values before the requested timestamp)
    • If nothing was found, query the recent state of the table

    Connect JSONB fragments

    ) -- end of WITH block, that has collected valid audit_ids 
    SELECT v.log_entry FROM valid_ids f 
    JOIN LATERAL ( -- has to be applied for each audit_id
      SELECT json_build_object( 
        q1.key, q1.value, 
        q2.key, q2.value,
        ...)::jsonb AS log_entry 
      FROM ( -- search for old values (see previous slide)
        SELECT q.key, q.value FROM ( 
          SELECT 'id' AS key, r.changes -> 'id' 
    FROM pgmemento.row_log r ...
    )q ) q1,
    SELECT q.key, q.value FROM (
    SELECT 'name' AS key, r.changes -> 'name'
    FROM pgmemento.row_log r ...
    )q ) q2, ...

      Restoring the table

      ) -- previous steps are encapsulated in a WITH block
      SELECT p.* FROM restore rq
        JOIN LATERAL (
          SELECT * FROM jsonb_populate_record(
            null::citydb.building, -- template
            rq.log_entry           -- concatenated JSONB
        ) p ON (true) 

      Revert transactions

      Get all affected rows of a given table event

      Case 1: If deleted >> INSERT
      Case 2: If updated >> UPDATE
      Case 3: If inserted >> DELETE

      Foreign key violation is avoided due to correct sorting of Audit_IDs

      Query for revert

      SELECT * FROM (
      (SELECT r.audit_id, r.changes, e.schema_name, e.table_name, e.op_id
         FROM pgmemento.row_log r
         JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON r.event_id =
         JOIN pgmemento.transaction_log t ON t.txid = e.transaction_id
         WHERE t.txid = $1 AND e.op_id > 2 -- DELETE or TRUNCATE
           ORDER BY r.audit_id ASC) -- insert oldest values first
      (SELECT ...
         WHERE t.txid = $1 AND e.op_id = 2 -- UPDATE
         ORDER BY r.audit_id DESC) -- update youngest values first
      (SELECT ...
         WHERE t.txid = $1 AND e.op_id = 1 -- INSERT
         ORDER BY r.audit_id DESC -- delete youngest values first
      ) txid_content
      ORDER BY op_id DESC
      -- first DELETEs, then UPDATEs and finally INSERTs


      • Reverts maybe a bit too simple

      • Filter what to restore (by time, spatial extent etc.)

      • No tracking of DDL commands (event triggers might help)

      • No merging of schemas

      • Need more benchmarking

      • More thoughts on restrictions and protection for log tables

      • No GUI, just SQL coding at the moment

      Additional notes

      • Probably not the right option for write-extensive databases (even though only deltas are stored)

      • Manipulation of log tables is very easy at the moment

      • pgMemento is no substitution for backup and recovery tools


      Any questions ?


      Felix Kunde

      +49(0)30 030 4504 3824


      By fxku


      • 3,759