Automating your development and production environments with Puppet, Vagrant and Packer
Who I am
A brief history of why/Case study
A brief what is
Who I am
Head of caffeine consumption and
Real title:
Systems Developer
Systems Developer
A Brief History of Why
- monolithic application
- emails, admin, sales and
main site in one - just developers
- just ubuntu
- monolithic set-up guide
- rewrite decided to split
- multiple applications
- use more ready made tech
- use more diverse tech
- less DIY code
- queued and centralised log
- queueing for email
- started off small, just the main site
- I came up with the centralised log,
convinced others and started work - initially just on my machine
- email and queue, just on mine & 1 dev
- even larger set up
- what to do when it needed spreading
- UX on windows
- Sys Admins on Mac
- Me on arch linux
- Another dev on pure debian
Brief What Is
provisioning software
run a set of commands in an automated way
VM config/control abstraction
virtual image builder
What is Puppet
simply a way of executing commands
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enable/somesite
sudo service apache2 restart
apache2 is ubuntu specific
httpd on debian/arch/bsd
apt-get is ubuntu/debian specific
pacman/yum/emerge on arch/redhat/gentoo
service is ubuntu specific
systemd/init.d/rc.d on arch/redhat/bsd
Puppet magic
package {'apache2':
ensure => installed
service {'apache2':
ensure => running
file {'/etc/apache2/sites-enable/somesite':
content => 'somecontent',
notify => Service['apache2']
file {'/etc/apache2/sites-enable/someothersite':
source => template('module/templatename'),
notify => Service['apache2']
(templates are good mkay)
There are still some problems
Ruby library for system info
architecture => amd64
hostname => gabriel-dev
lsbdistcodename => saucy
lsbdistid => Ubuntu
lsbdistrelease => 13.10
osfamily => Debian
is_virtual => true
virtual => virtualbox
More magic!
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' or $::operatingsystem == 'amazon' {
$package = 'httpd'
} elsif $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
$package = 'apache2'
} elsif $::osfamily == 'Archlinux' {
$package = 'apache'
} else {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily}")
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' or $::operatingsystem == 'amazon' { $package = 'httpd' } elsif $::osfamily == 'Debian' { $package = 'apache2' } elsif $::osfamily == 'Archlinux' { $package = 'apache' } else { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily}") }
package {$package: ensure => installed }
service {$package: ensure => running, require => Package[$package] } file {'/etc/apache2/sites-enable/somesite': content => 'somecontent', notify => Service[$package] } file {'/etc/apache2/sites-enable/someothersite': source => template('module/templatename'), notify => Service[$package] }
parameters class
class apache::params {
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' or $::operatingsystem == 'amazon' {
$package = 'httpd'
$httpd_dir = '/etc/httpd'
$vhost_dir = "${httpd_dir}/conf.d"
} elsif $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
$package = 'apache2'
$httpd_dir = '/etc/apache2'
$vhost_dir = "${httpd_dir}/sites-available"
} elsif $::osfamily == 'Archlinux' {
$package = 'apache'
$httpd_dir = '/etc/apache'
$vhost_dir = "${httpd_dir}/conf.d"
} else {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily}")
The Final Puppet magic
include apache::params
package {$apache::params::package: ensure => installed }
service {$apache::params::package:
ensure => running, require => Package[$apache::params::package]
} file {"${apache::params::vhost_dir}/somesite": content => 'somecontent', notify => Service[$apache::params::package]
} file {"${apache::params::vhost_dir}/someothersite":
source => template('module/templatename'), notify => Service[$apache::params::package]
Puppet Forge
Case Study
Puppet allows us to automate
our installation and setup
No setup guide documentation, just code!
When updating our setup guide
we're really just writing code
What is Vagrant
Interface to personal Virtual Machines
Abstraction layer for VM configuration
Virtual Box for example
Imports a base box and runs provisioners
Easy plugin system
Huge range of existing plugins
Can be extended to work with cloud providers
Digital Ocean
Simple Config
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "lamp base 1"
config.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = ""
config.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/code", "/code", type: "nfs"
config.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/puppet/modules" do |puppet|
puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
puppet.manifest_file = "init.pp"
Multi Box Configuration
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # bring them up in these order # db cdn services web pound config.vm.define :db do |db| = "Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal x86_64 (Guest Additions 4.2.2)" db.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: "" db.vm.hostname = "" db.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/code", "/code", :nfs => true db.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/boxen/puppet/modules" do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "db.pp" end end config.vm.define :cdn do |cdn| = "Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal x86_64 (Guest Additions 4.2.2)" cdn.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: "" cdn.vm.hostname = "" cdn.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/code", "/code", :nfs => true cdn.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/boxen/puppet/modules" do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "cdn.pp" end end config.vm.define :services do |services| = "Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal x86_64 (Guest Additions 4.2.2)" services.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: "" services.vm.hostname = "" services.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/code", "/code", :nfs => true services.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/boxen/puppet/modules" do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "services.pp" end end config.vm.define :web do |web| = "Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal x86_64 (Guest Additions 4.2.2)" web.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: "" web.vm.hostname = "" web.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/code", "/code", :nfs => true web.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/boxen/puppet/modules" do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "web.pp" end end config.vm.define :pound do |pound| = "Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal x86_64 (Guest Additions 4.2.2)" pound.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: "" pound.vm.hostname = "" pound.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/code", "/code", :nfs => true pound.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "~/Dropbox/GoMADTech/boxen/puppet/modules" do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "pound.pp" end end end
Case study
- despite being on different host OS
we now have a unified dev env - Works the same on windows/mac/linux
- Any changes to provisioners is reflected
in everyone's dev env
What is Packer
- AWS,Digital Ocean,Proxmox,
Rackspace all use base boxes - Some are as simple as base OS installs
- Some are slightly complex, user set ups
- Some are very complex, full LAMP + deployment
- Can use the same provisioning as vagrant
- Packer build base boxes
- From ISOs
- From other base boxes
- Immutable servers
{ "builders": [{ "type" : "digitalocean", "client_id" : "clientid", "api_key" : "apikey", "image_id" : 1505699, "region_id" : 5, "size_id" : 64, "snapshot_name" : "test-snap", "droplet_name" : "" }], "provisioners": [{ "type": "shell", "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S sh '{{ .Path }}'", "inline": [ "apt-get update -y", "apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential dkms puppet-common subversion ruby-hiera", "apt-get clean" ] },{ "type" : "puppet-masterless", "manifest_file" : "manifests/site.pp", "module_paths" : ["../../puppet/modules"], "facter" : { "fqdn" : "" } }] }
{ "builders": [{ "type" : "virtualbox-iso", "iso_url" : "", "iso_checksum" : "4d1a8b720cdd14b76ed9410c63a00d0e", "iso_checksum_type" : "md5", "disk_size" : 80000, "guest_os_type" : "Ubuntu_64", "http_directory" : "preseed", "ssh_username" : "vagrant", "ssh_password" : "vagrant", "output_directory" : "output/13.10_5.5_64_virtualbox", "boot_command" : [ "<esc><esc><enter><wait>", "/install/vmlinuz noapic ", "preseed/url=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg ", "debian-installer=en_GB auto locale=en_GB kbd-chooser/method=uk ", "hostname={{ .Name }} ", "fb=false debconf/frontend=noninteractive ", "leopard-configuration/modelcode=SKIP leopard-configuration/layout=GB ", "leopard-configuration/variant=GB console-setup/ask_detect=false ", "initrd=/install/initrd.gz -- <enter>" ], "vboxmanage" : [ ["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "1024"] ], "shutdown_command" : "echo 'shutdown -P now' >; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh ''" }], "provisioners" : [{ "type": "shell", "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S sh '{{ .Path }}'", "inline": [ "apt-get update -y", "apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential dkms puppet-common nfs-kernel-server nfs-common ruby-hiera", "apt-get clean", "mount -o loop VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /media/cdrom", "sh /media/cdrom/", "umount /media/cdrom", "mkdir ~/.ssh", "wget -qO- >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys", "echo 'vagrant ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL' > /tmp/vagrant", "chmod 0440 /tmp/vagrant", "mv /tmp/vagrant /etc/sudoers.d/" ] },{ "type" : "puppet-masterless", "manifest_file" : "manifests/site.pp", "module_paths" : ["../../puppet/modules","../../../puppet"], "facter" : { "fqdn" : "" } }], "post-processors" : [ { "type" : "vagrant", "only" : ["virtualbox-iso"], "output" : "output/" } ] }
Case Study
- Using the same provisioning on
production and dev leads to a nicer life - Updating OS images (dev/prod) is simpler
by just editing a config file
In Conclusion
Puppet is used for installing and configuring packages/services/files
Vagrant abstracts configuration and control for multiple VM types into a simple config file and command line.
It can also use puppet and other provisioning s/w.
It can also use puppet and other provisioning s/w.
Packer builds and provisions base boxes and servers, using other base boxes or isos as a starting point and can use puppet or other provisiong s/w.
Automating your development and production environments with Packer, puppet and vagrant
By Gabriel Baker
Automating your development and production environments with Packer, puppet and vagrant
- 4,850