CSS Grid vs Flexbox

Quick History

display: table;
display: block;
display: inline;
float: value;

display: flex;
display: grid;

Grid Layout 

Divides space into columns & rows. Like table layouts, but better!

display: grid;

Flexbox layout

distributes space along a single column or row. Like float layouts, but better!

display: flex;

Flexbox API

Learn it using: https://flexboxfroggy.com/

Grid API

Learn it using: https://cssgridgarden.com/

When to use which

1 direction  vs 2 directions

When to use which

What about browser support?


best practice is to guard it with a feature query

Lets use it to refactor a site

Powerful auto-fit auto-fill feature of the grid


CSS Grid vs Flexbox

By Gabriel Cziprusz

CSS Grid vs Flexbox

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