New Way to Program in Java



Java 8 New Features

  • Default Methods
  • Lambda Expression
  • Fundamentals Of FP
  • Optional API
  • Stream API

Default Method

In Java 7, your API design can only like this

public interface Toxic {

    void eatTamJai();

    void surfGolden();

    int findFriends();

    int findGirlFriends();
public class Gap implements Toxic {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Chicken rice noodle with medium spicy");

  public void surfGolden() {

  public int findFriends(){
    return 0;

  public int findGirlFriends(){
    return 0;

Java 7

public class Peter implements Toxic {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Beef rice noodle with ching soup");

  public void surfGolden() {
    System.out.println("Always LM");

  public int findFriends(){
    return 0;

  public int findGirlFriends(){
    return 0;



Default Method

Java 7

public class Peter implements Toxic {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Beef rice noodle with ching soup");

  public void surfGolden() {
    System.out.println("Always LM");

  public int findFriends(){
    return 0;

  public int findGirlFriends(){
    return 0;


A Toxic Person should


Friends  = 0 && GirlFriends = 0 !!!

In Real world, some properties/behaviours are always the same...

Default Method

Java 7

Default Method

In Java 8,

You can have a default implemetation in a interface.


  •  Setup the default behavior of the object
public interface Toxic {

    void eatTamJai();

    void surfGolden();

    default int findFriends(){
        return 0;

    default int findGirlFriends(){
        return 0;
public class Gap implements Toxic {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Chicken rice noodle with medium spicy");

  public void surfGolden() {

Java 8

Default Method

public interface Programmer {

  default int findGirlFriends(){
    return 0;

public class Gap implements Toxic, Programmer {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Chicken rice noodle with medium spicy");

  public void surfGolden() {

How about two interfaces have the same behaviours?

Java 8

Default Method

public interface Programmer {

  default int findGirlFriends(){
    return 0;

public class Gap implements Toxic, Programmer {

  public void eatTamJai() {
    System.out.println("Chicken rice noodle with medium spicy");

  public void surfGolden() {

  public int findGirlFriends() {
    return Programmer.super.getGirlFriends();

Java 8

public interface Toxic {

    void eatTamJai();

    void surfGolden();

    default int findFriends(){
        return 0;

    default int findGirlFriends(){
        return 0;

Default Method

Java 8 Default Method vs Abstract Class

Java 7 Interface Java 8 Interface Abstract Class
Method signatures
Concrete methods
Member variables

Java 8 New Features

  • Default Methods
  • Lambda Expression
  • Fundamentals Of FP
  • Optional API
  • Stream API

Lambda Expression


lambda is just an anonymous function

Lambda Expression


 Java <= 7


  • Strictly-OOP
  • NO Anonymous Function (Popular to use Anonyomous class to substitute)
  • Difficult to write functional style code
  • Difficult to write high-order function

Lambda Expression


With Java 8 Lambdas, we can ...

  • Have Anonymous Function
  • Cleaner representation compared with Anonymous class
  • Code faster
  • Produce Functional-style code
  • Easier to write High-order functions ( Fundamental of Functional programming)

Lambda Expression


//Lambda Expression syntax should like this
(arg1, arg2, ... ) -> { body }

// Or with Type
(type1 arg1, type2 arg2) -> { body }

Very Common Functional Interface in Java 8

Consumer, Predicate, Supplier, Function

Java 8 New Features

  • Default Methods
  • Lambda Expression
  • Fundamentals Of FP
  • Optional API
  • Stream API

Fundamentals of FP

  1. Raise of Multi-core and distributed computing
  2. Simplicity, correctness and maintainability
  3. Commercial success by using functional language (ie. Twitter/Netflix - Scala, WhatsApp/LoL - Erlang) 

Why more people talk about Functional Programming recently?


Fundamentals of FP

  1. Avoids changing-state and mutable data
  2. Eliminating side effects (Write Pure Function)

Significant Conceptual Differences to Imperative Programming (i.e. OOP) 


Fundamentals of FP

Characteristic Imperative Functional
Programmer focus How to track changes in state. What transformations are required.
State changes Important Non-existent.
Primary flow control Loops, conditionals, and function calls. Function calls
Primary manipulation  Instances of structures or classes. Functions as first-class objects and data collections


public void addEvenUserIdToList(List<User> users, List<Integer> ids){

    for(User user : users){
        if(user.getId() % 2 == 0)

public List<Integer> filterEvenAndTransformToUserId(List<User> users){

    return users
            .filter(id -> id % 2 == 0)


Imperative style

Functional style

Slide effects!!!!  Not pure function

Collect as NEW objects!

No Side Effects => Pure function

Fundamentals of FP

Fundamentals of FP

Advantages of Pure Functions

  • Increased readability and maintainability
  • Easier to refactor, changes
  • Easier testing and debugging


Fundamentals of FP

High Order Function Example In Java 8

// f(x) = x + 1
Function<Integer,Integer> f = (x) -> x + 1;

// g(x) = x * x
Function<Integer,Integer> g = (x) -> x * x;

// h(x) = x * 2 
Function<Integer,Integer> h = (x) -> x * 2;

// h(g(f(x))
Function<Integer,Integer> func = h.compose(g).compose(f);

// Integer to Double function
Function<Integer,Double> toDouble = Integer::doubleValue;

// toDouble(h(g(f(x)))
Function<Integer,Integer> funcWithLogging = func.andThen(toDouble);


Fundamentals of FP

High Order Function Example In Java 8

  public void test(){
    // h(g(f(x)), where h(x) = x * 2 , g(x) = x * x , f(x) = x + 1;
    int result = HighOrderFunctionExample.func.apply(1);

    // h(g(f(1)) => h(g(2)) => h(4) => 8

  public void testWithLogging(){
    double result = HighOrderFunctionExample.funcThenToDouble.apply(1);



Fundamentals of FP

Similar In Java 7 ?

public Integer f(Integer x) {
  return x + 1;
public Integer g(Integer x) {
  return x * x;
public Integer h(Integer x) {
  return x * 2;
public Integer func(Integer x){
  return h(g(f(x)));

public Double toDouble(Integer x){
  return x.doubleValue();

public Double funcThenToDouble(Integer x){
  return toDouble(func(x));


public List<Integer> filterEvenAndTransformToUserId(List<User> users){

    return users
            .filter(id -> id % 2 == 0)

Fundamentals of FP

Real World High order function In Java 8


Predicate<Integer> filterEventNumber =  x -> x % 2 == 0;

public List<Integer> filterEvenAndTransformToUserId2(List<User> users){
    return users

Java 8 New Features

  • Default Methods
  • Lambda Expression
  • Fundamentals Of FP
  • Optional API
  • Stream API

Optional API

  1. Replace null  to avoid NullPointerException
  2. More meaningful than null
  3. Clearer code when doing Stream

Optional can ...

Optional API

Tony Hoare  :

"I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965."

"This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years"

Optional API

Before Java 8, Guava @Google has implemented Optional to avoid null

  • null is unpleasantly ambiguous
  • null gives no indication what a null value means
  •  it is a major source of confusion, difficult and weird bugs, and unpleasant ambiguities 

Reason explained by Guava Team: 

Optional API

Why Optional ?

  • Increase readability
  • idiot-proof-ness
  • force you actively think about the absent case

Optional API

Replace null without rewriting root API

  public User defaultValueUseCase1(){
    User user = DB.findUserById(1);

    if(user == null) user = new User(1,"a");

    return user;

Use `Optional.ofNullable` wrap the object that maybe null

  public User defaultValueUseCase1InOptional() {
    return Optional.ofNullable(DB.findUserById(1))
            .orElse(new User(1,"a"));

Use Case : Default Value

Use `Optional.orElse` to specify default value

Optional API

Replace null without rewriting root API

  public User throwExceptionUseCase2() throws Exception {
    User user = DB.findUserById(1);

    if(user == null) throw new Exception();

    return user;

Use `Optional.orElseThrow` to throw exception

  public User throwExceptionUseCase2InOptional() throws Exception {
    return Optional.ofNullable(DB.findUserById(1))

Use Case : Exception Handling

Use `Optional.ofNullable` wrap the object that maybe null

Optional API

Replace null by rewriting root API

public class DB {

  public static User findUserById(int id){
    for(User u : users){
      if(u.getId() == id)
        return u;
    return null;

  //rewrite to return Optional
  public static Optional<User> findUserByIdOpt(int id){
    for(User u : users){
      if(u.getId() == id)
        return Optional.of(u);
    return Optional.empty();


Use `Optional.of` wrap the object that must NOT null

Optional API

Streaming is very common

I need to find Object C

For example :

Look up Object C depends on Object B

Look up Object B depends on Object A

Finally, the look up sequence : A -> B -> C

Optional API

Java 7

    public Country findUserCountry(User user){
        if(user != null){
            String countryId = user.getCountryId();
            if(countryId != null){
                return DB.findCountryById(countryId);
        return null;

Real World Example, 

User -> Country ID -> Country

Streaming is very common

Problems: Easy to miss, difficult to read

Optional API

Java 8

  public Optional<Country> findUserCountryOpt(User user){
    return Optional.ofNullable(user)

Version 1, Return a Optional Value

Version 2, Throws Exception when not found

public Country findUserCountry(User user) throws Exception {
    return Optional.ofNullable(user)

Streaming is very common

Optional API

Java 8

Other Useful API

Optional<Integer> optional = Optional.of(1);

// Check the value exist in the Optional
optional.isPresent();    // return true;

// print the value if it exist
optional.ifPresent( x -> System.out.println(x));

// Apply filter ( x = 0 ) 
optional.filter(x -> x == 0).isPresent(); // return false;

// Flat & Map
optional.flatMap((x) -> Optional.of( x * x ));

Optional API

When NOT to use Optional ?

Don't use it if you are really processing Huge DataSet!

Using Oracle JMH for micro-benchmark : 3ns slower 

  public Integer vanillaNullSafeAndDefaultValue(){
    if(a == null){
      a = 1;
    return a;

  public Integer nullSafeAndDefaultValue(){
    return Optional.ofNullable(a).orElse(1);

Java 8 New Features

  • Default Methods
  • Lambda Expression
  • Fundamentals Of FP
  • Optional API
  • Stream API

Stream API

What is Streams ?

  • No Storage
  • Designed for functional programming
  • Lazy Operation
  • Use ONLY once

Stream API

Two Type Operation

Data Source

Intermediate Operation


Terminal Operation

(reduce/collect /forEach/...)

Stream API

Intermediate Operation is Lazy


Terminal Operation is applied

      .filter(x -> x > 3)
      .forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));

Lazy is Good

Stream API

Lazy is Good

  public void run(){
    List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);

  public List<Integer> filterEvenNumber(List<Integer> list){

    List<Integer> tmp = new ArrayList<>();

    for(Integer x : list){
      System.out.println("iterating " + x);
      if(x % 2 == 0){
    return tmp;

  public List<Integer> multipleTwo(List<Integer> list){
    List<Integer> tmp = new ArrayList<>();

    for(Integer x : list){
      System.out.println("iterating " + x);
      tmp.add(x *x);

    return tmp;

Java 7

iterating 1
iterating 2
iterating 3
iterating 4
iterating 2
iterating 4

iterated 6 times !!!

Stream API

Lazy is Good

public void run(){
    List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);

    Stream<Integer> rawStream = 
          .peek(x -> System.out.println("iterating " + x));

    Stream<Integer> stream = multipleTwo(filterEvenNumber(rawStream));


public Stream<Integer> filterEvenNumber(Stream<Integer> list){
    return list.filter(x -> x % 2 == 0);

public Stream<Integer> multipleTwo(Stream<Integer> list){
    return -> x * x);

Java 8

iterating 1
iterating 2
iterating 3
iterating 4

Iterate 4 times = Size of List !!

Stream API

Lazy is Good

Java 8

  public void functionalStyleRun(){
    List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);
      .filter(x -> x % 2 == 0)
      .map(x -> x * x)

Simplified Version with Anonyomus function

  Predicate<Integer> evenFilter = x -> x % 2 == 0;
  Function<Integer,Integer> mult2 = x -> x * x ;
  public void functionalStyleRun(){
    List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);

Simplified Version with Decleared function

Stream API

Powerful API

  public List<Integer> distinct(List<Integer> list){
    return list

  public Map<String,List<User>> listToMap(List<User> users){

    return users

Collectors.*  are awesome

Stream API

Powerful API

Happy Java Life !!!

Question ?

You can found all the examples in the following repository

git clone

// modify & run the test to learn more Java 8!!

New Way to Program in Java 8

By Gap撈Tech

New Way to Program in Java 8

Default Method, Lambda Expression, Functional programming style, Optional API, Stream API

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