$5K Resell Sales
System - Increase Sales By 800% Bonus Training...

Bonus How To Training...

$5K Sales System


How Do You Get The MOST Out Of This Package?

You now have EVERYTHING YOU NEED to not only make a start in your business, but also see it through from...

  • Building prospects lists
  • Building BUYERS email lists
  • Setting up automated funnels
  • Educating your lists
  • Creating blog posts
  • Creating videos for your YouTube channel and producing compelling
    email copy and VALUE that your lists will
    love you for!
  • JV Bonuses! - And yes, I'll even leave you an example email swipe I've used to great effect in the past to HIJACK product launches!


How Do You Get The MOST Out Of This Package?

  • Building prospects lists - You have 7 Modules that can be re-purposed into FREE reports, videos, MP3 training's that you can give away to build your lists! Try to come up with ideas/angles that will COMPEL people to join your lists. EXAMPLE: "FREE! Top 5 I.M. Secrets That Allowed ME To Go From BROKE To 5 Figures Per Month In Record Time"
  • Building BUYERS email lists - Again, bundle up the 7 modules, add some EXTRA training's, BONUSES to the product etc and create a $4.95 - $17 FE product out of it. Create some videos around those modules and add them to your report and charge more for your front end product ($27.00) Use your front end product as the OVERVIEW of the system you're selling.
  • Then create an up-sell to your FE product and split up those modules into a weekly or monthly continuity course that goes into much greater detail and charge $27 - $47 per month to your up-sell clients
  • HIGH END Ticket Coaching - Now on top of that, you can offer PREMIUM LEVELS and at higher prices by offering Skype, group or one on one coaching or just email coaching for $97, $127, $495, $997
  • You're now able to offer these same training's at ANY level of pricing you want to!


How Do You Get The MOST Out Of This Package?

  • Setting up automated funnels - This isn't an issue any longer for you. You have the FE product, you can create a Down Sell offer out of this, you can create the monthly membership program and charge $27 - $47 per month like we mentioned before. And you can offer group, email or even Skype coaching and use these training's as your foundation core materials, for your clients to get educated from. ($97 - $997.00)
  • It's ENTIRELY up to you what you want to charge your clients for your time.
  • Building relationships & Educating your lists - Again just use the outline of these D.F.Y. training's to educate your audience and become THEIR "GO TO EXPERT"! Like I mentioned before, once your people know, like and trust you as their go to expert, when you come to offer them coaching at $197 for example, it won't be an issue for you because they already see you as that person who can HELP them achieve the results they are asking for.




STEP 1: You create a GREAT BONUS product that will add REAL value to MOST I.M. product launches (list building, CPA, traffic, paid traffic, solo ads, conversions, email marketing etc)

STEP 2: You can use your ENTIRE funnel for this (the $5K sales system) method to work and it's entirely up to you how you approach this

STEP 3: You then look for upcoming product launches at Muncheye, Warrior JV, Warrior Plus, JV Zoo and contact those product creators and ask them if they have any available space on their download pages to add your bonuses to.



STEP 4: You then create a squeeze page (with tracking link (optional)) and send your bonus squeeze page to the product creator so that when all those BUYERS come to download their purchased products come launch time, they will see your bonus offer and join your lists in order to get access to it

STEP 5: HOW TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING your Bonus product onto some of the BIGGEST launches in the I.M. space:

STEP 6: You send the product creator an email telling them that you're willing to make them MORE CASH on their launch by allowing them to promote your entire funnel after someone opts into to download your bonus gift



STEP 7: So after someone enters YOUR list to get their FREE bonus, they immediately see your FE offer, your O.T.O offers, all the way up to your high ticket offers too.

STEP 8: But of course.........the product creator makes even more money, as they are an affiliate for these products (your products) now and you both get to make more money just by giving away some Bonus gifts at an upcoming product launch!

Awesome or what? Here's a LIVE email swipe example and of course you get to swipe and use this yourself!!!

Copy of 5K resell how to video slides

By gavinmb

Copy of 5K resell how to video slides

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