Hi, Gavin Birchall here...

and I'm the creator of the

'Perfect Audience Builders' system

and today I'd like to welcome
YOU to this EXCLUSIVE video training tutorial.

The 'Perfect Audience Builders' system is totally transforming the way people are
launching and growing their businesses online.

Now we all know what the REAL secret is to succeeding in business today right?"

"It's funny because it's EXACTLY the SAME as it was over 100 YEARS AGO!"

"Yes, that's right."

"And here it is"...

"You simply FIND out what people WANT and give it to them and charge them for it"!

Pretty simple right?

Well yeah it is in theory, I mean I could explain that to pretty much anyone and they'd understand the concept in 2 minutes flat!

But here's where the BIG problem lies...

The challenge is that you can't just ask people what they want because the reality is...

People DON'T actually know what they want!!!

Again the BIG DOG business owners of 100 years ago came to these EXACT same conclusions...

...and so these businesses had to come up with SOMETHING and at least SHOWCASE their latest ideas to their customers in order to be able to move forward and progress".

Steve Jobs once famously said: "People simply don't know what they want until you show it to them".

Okay you wanna know what the secret is?

You need to figure out what people want to buy, BEFORE people even know what they want to buy themselves.

So I suppose you're sitting there right now and asking:

"Well okay mister big shot, how do I do that"?

Well this is what the 'Perfect Audience Builders' system is all about and much more too.

And it all starts by putting yourself in front of the right target market audience and then asking them the right questions...

...so that you can then GIVE them what they actually want and NEED BEFORE they even know it themselves".

I know, sounds a little weird right?

But by following these simple little action steps I'm about to give you that you can apply right away in your business, WILL TRANSFORM your results ten fold.

It'll transform the way you do business, enter NEW markets, grow your email lists and even launch new products and services online from now on.

Now we DO have a lot of ground to cover in today's training so it's super important you turn off all distractions, take notes and stay right to the end.

You may have already noticed that there are some additional downloads and BONUS downloads waiting for you on this page too...

...so please I urge you not to dive into them UNTIL you've gone through all of this video training first

you've taken notes, you've watched this video at least a couple of times to allow it all to sink in...

BEFORE you GO AHEAD enjoy those additional downloads.

You see these downloads have been specifically created to enhance your results and EDUCATION FAST!

But they simply won't make any sense to you if you don't watch this training and take notes from the video first.

By the way...

this strategy WILL WORK for you right now whether you're a 'small one person business' trying to make it on your own...

...if you're a 6 - 7 figure online business trying to handle all the work that's coming your way

or you've had some
success with building a client email database online, but now you're FINALLY ready to make that step up!

In fact.....It doesn't matter where you're at right now!

Because with this system I'm about to share with you, is going to EMPOWER YOU to go out there and build a huge customer based email list...

And at the end of the day, isn't that what EVERY business owner wants?

Okay so before we begin, let's quickly go over what the system is and what steps we are going to cover here today:

In Step #1...

We'll talk about...

"The ONE Vital thing YOU Must DO with your clients as they enter your business either via a squeeze page, as a customer who has just purchased one of your products, via your blog, Youtube or wherever they came from in the first place".

And we'll also talk about WHY skipping this step could cost you 90% of the profits you deserve from your hard fought efforts in running a business...

...and how you can apply this step and start using it in your business right away whilst growing your client based email lists".

We'll also be talking about the '3 Groups' Spending POWER strategy that you must use in your business every time a client joins your email database either as a customer or as a warm lead.

But not only that....

In this step we'll even cover the complete strategy of how to INSTANTLY ELIMINATE ANY time wasters that enter your business with one simple tweak to your funnel...

that takes just 30 minutes of your time to set up

from start to finish.

Once you've done this, you can leave it to go to work for you on complete auto-pilot 24 hours a day!

In Step 2...

...we'll talk about: The NEXT steps you must implement into your system to SQUEEZE OUT even more sales and profits from your client lists by using a simple 3 option sales method

...that continues to generate clients and sales for you all on complete auto-pilot once you put these into action.

This is how the TOP 1% out GUN the rest and I'm going to show you how!

And don't worry!

In Step 3...

we'll talk about: How to put all of what you've learned today into overdrive by creating simple little lead hooks that work like trojan horses for you...

and suck in your PERFECT BUYER clients and allow your automated funnel to go into complete over drive!

MY GOAL here today is to ENSURE...

That by the END of this training...

you'll have THE 6-7 figure per year strategy blueprint in your arsenal to be able to go out and find your PERFECT AUDIENCE CLIENTS...

that are GLAD to pay you what you're actually worth, without having to deal with the hassle of OVER COMPLICATED sales systems...

you've been spoon fed in the past from GURU'S that are only out to confuse you and then have YOU BEG them to HELP you...

...so that they can line their own pockets with your hard earned money and take you for a ride!

By the end of this training...

I want YOU to be able to wake up in the morning with a HUGE smile on your face, safe in the knowledge...

...that you now OWN a system that sends you an array of high ticket payments, happy customers and repeat customers

...that are happy to stay with you for as long as they
need you to help them.

Whether that's through:

-- Your training programs

-- 1 on 1 coaching

-- As consulting clients

-- Group coaching

-- Done For You type services

-- Recommending affiliate training products and services

Or however else you offer your services as an online or offline business...

You'll be fully covered and I'm sure of that!

So with that said...

Buckle up, sit back, get ready to take notes and enjoy the training...






Okay so first off, before we dive into STEP #1 I really wanted to ZOOM out of this whole system and give you a 30,000 feet overview...

...of what YOU must do with EVERY individual that enters your business so you can really FEEL and UNDERSTAND the whole process

prior to filling you up with the smaller steps that will make this all work for you.

So what I've done is create a mind map for you and here it is:

New Leads/Customers Enter Your Business



Group 1

High Ticket

Group 2

Mid Ticket

Group 3

Low Ticket




3 Core Profit Magnet Strategies = MORE Profits $$$$$


Lead Hooks


Lead Generation


Now it's time to drill much deeper into each of these steps so YOU can implement this whole system...

...into whatever your business is
selling at this present moment in time.










EVERY client gets the same emails...



Results &

POOR Sales


Okay, now that you know NOT what to do when it comes to setting up a simple but effective profitable lead system in your business...

...let's look at a few proven systems that will actually put MORE money in your pocket:

Splitting Your Clients Up Into 3 Spending Power Groups...

Group #1 - High Ticket Paying Clients

Group #2 - Medium Ticket Spending Clients

Group #3 - Lower Ticket Spending Clients

Okay Let's Start With
Group #1 - High Ticket Clients...

Here's What You Need To Do:

Create A Simple Automated Marketing Funnel

Build Authority into your marketing and you'll automatically create pre-qualified clients that FLOW into your business!

Create just a small handful of 'Education Based' based content pieces and use them as lead magnets to bring in fresh leads

Ask them for the appointment at the END of every piece of that content...

NOTE: This simple model works BEST for getting HIGH TICKET paying clients into your system


Squeeze Page

(Client Enters
Your Funnel)

Get Access To Your Content

YOU Email Your Clients

Offer To HELP Them

Match Criteria? Work One On One

10 Clients Per Month @ $1k - $10k =

Match Criteria? Work One On One?

How To Make This Step Work & How To STOP Time Wasters...

Who's A Good Fit?

Who's Serious & Who Isn't?

How Do We Further Qualify These Leads Who Have Already Raised Their Hand?

What You Need To Succeed With This Step:

  • Become available to them by appointment ONLY!
  • NO talking to them via email or Skype
  • This will only result in you wasting time talking to time
    wasters who just want to pick your brain for ideas...
  • So as soon as you ask a client if they need MORE HELP
    from you after they have read your content or have joined your client list and they say 'YES', you direct them to an appointment page like this:

Step 1:

Go to meetme.so so you can set up an appointment schedule like this one

Step 2:

Your clients have to

pick a date to talk to you that fits YOU best. No time wasters can get hold of you this way and you know the ones that book with you are actually serious about getting more help from you!

That's it, you're set to GO!

That's how you filter out your HIGH Ticket client leads who have 'URGENT NEEDS' and are willing to pay you TOP dollar...

...for your coaching, your high end services, your consulting offers or anything else that you charge HIGH end prices for in your business.

Of course, you can choose to survey your client email lists too and this of course is important so that you get to know your target market more intimately...

...and so that you can better serve their wants and needs and make more sales off the back of that.

But using an appointment ONLY strategy really saves you a lot of time and you get to know your clients a lot more during the appointment phone call too.

After the call has ended, you can then offer them your HIGH ticket programs, products and services directly...

...rather than trying to guess by talking to people randomly via email or at Skype.

You can survey your client lists regularly to keep tabs on their wants, needs and desires...

...and this will help you to come up with killer lead
magnets and content that in turn sends MORE quality targeted client leads into your business.

So by splitting your client lists up into 3 spending categories, you're also killing 3 birds with one stone by eliminating the time wasters,

finding out who are the BIG spenders on your client lists, AND helping better serve your clients ACTUAL needs right off the bat!

This ensures a SMOOTHER ride for you and your clients as you both move forward together as one.

Hopefully you can now see why this strategy I'm sharing with you today works so well!

It works because you've now given yourself the opportunity to make 6-7 figures per year in your business right off the bat!

You can offer your clients consulting with you, one on one coaching, D.F.Y type set up services or something else you do right now in your business...

...that allows you to charge $1,000 - $10,000+ per month per client that comes through your door.

Now those figures I've just mentioned are an example of course and you can charge what you like, but "IMMEDIATELY" you're giving yourself a chance to quadruple your business turnover within just minutes of adding this simple system into your set up.

And this is super EASY and fast to do!

As I've just demonstrated to you.

But you're now beginning to SEGMENT your clients into more organized groups of...


And that's super important.

So like I've already said you can have 3 groups that look like this:

"High Ticket"

"Medium Ticket"

"Lower Ticket"

High Ticket being the clients who are going to spend the most per transaction with you of course.

And the Lower Ticket being the ones who spend the least per transaction.

Now you may be sitting there thinking right now...

"Erm JEEZE, I'm not sure about this coaching and consulting thing right now, I'm not comfortable with charging people that amount of money, I don't think I'm ready for that yet".

Well you know what, that's FINE!

You just split your clients (email lists) into 2 groups or just 1.

For example:

"If you're just looking to sell your own digital download products that charge anywhere from $7 - $197 then just split your groups into 2 groups and organize them that way".


"If you're just looking to sell other people's products in your niche JUST as an affiliate, then just set up 1 group and promote other people's products to them all day long".

Erm okay...

"But Gavin, you said that I need to segment my clients into groups right off the bat, so what's the point in me watching the rest of this training if I'm just looking to build a list and sell affiliate products to them"?

Okay, well if you're in the low to medium ticket bracket or just the low ticket, then you still need to know...

...what they ACTUALLY want and need from you right now and beyond even if they don't know it themselves right?

Otherwise you're going to be sending out affiliate offers or indeed your offers to those lists and hoping that is what they need to buy from you right now.

You're still applying the "Guessing Game" method here right?

And that's no good, you're going to be completely wasting your time and money!

So, Step 1 has been all about splitting your clients into 3 groups...

...mainly we talked about HIGH ticket clients and how to stop time wasters getting into your brain and extracting free information out of you.

And we briefly covered medium to low ticket buyers too.

So now the question is...

How do we give these other 2 groups exatcly what they need so they're happy and YOU can make more money.

That leads us nicely onto step #2:

STEP 2 - The Profit Squeeze Drill Down Strategy...

Okay so now the next question is...

"What Should I Do With The Rest Of My Clients That Are Sitting On My Email Lists"?

Remember in "Step 1" we mainly dealt with splitting up your clients into 3 main groups of spending power and their current NEEDS...

...AND how to find out WHO your BIG Ticket buyers were going to be by creating a super simple "Appointment ONLY" strategy funnel.

So as your client lists GROW and continue to grow, some of them are naturally NEVER going to raise their hands to book that one on one appointment with you right?

That's just the nature of the beast.

But still, these clients all still have needs and problems that need solving.

So, what do you do?

Well, there's 2 things you can do:

1. You survey them regularly

2. You create MORE lead magnets

Surveying your lists regularly allows you to really understand your target market and send out greater quality marketing messages to your clients...

...that will ultimately build trust and allow YOU to become their 'GO TO' authority expert.

Creating MORE lead magnets (or extra pieces of content with value) allows you to also really drill down into what your clients really want from you right NOW.

And once you know that...

Well, things become a whole lot easier.

By drilling down into your client lists actual current NEEDS allows you to extract clients from groups 2 and 3...

"Medium Ticket" and "Lower Ticket" and place them into more specific groups on your email list database.

Why is this so important?

Well, when it comes to selling your own medium and low ticket priced products and services to these clients...

...you'll KNOW exactly what to create in terms of offering a service or product to them that they'll truly appreciate and gladly BUY from you.

And that's what it's all about at the end of the day.

Happy clients who get what they want and NEED from you
MORE Profits for you and your business!

By the way, I've attached a sample survey below this video for you to download to get you started.

Feel free to edit that survey to fit your current business model and the services you currently offer to your clients.

Also remember that if you just want to focus on selling products as an affiliate to your client lists...

...then using these 2 methods will allow you to do just that also.

And as for the lead magnets, here's what you can do:

So as soon as someone joins your client email list database, their needs maybe totally different at the beginning of their journey with you, than let's say in 12 months time from now.

I know 12 months seems like a long time, but believe me, I've had clients stay on my own list database for many, many years...

So it's vitally important you keep surveying them and create fresh lead magnets so that you keep on placing your current client lists onto NEW segmented lists...

...inside your email auto-responder so that you know exactly what their current needs and goals are and be able to sell them...

...affiliate products and services and indeed your own products and services to them that match those current needs and goals.

So let's talk about your lead magnets for a second...

I like to split them up into groups of 3.

So you'll have:

1. Your main lead magnet freebie that everyone sees on social media, below your YouTube videos, at your blog and so on.

Then there's...

2. Content Add-Ons

And finally there's...

3. Content Promotion Based Lead Magnets

So let's talk about "Content Add-Ons"

Basically a 'content add on' is a giveaway lead magnet that you add to some existing content.

So let's say you're interested in teaching your clients about "How To Get More Targeted Clients Into Your Business Using Facebook Ads".

You would create a free giveaway around this subject in the form of a video, a PDF or a checklist for example...

...and then you would want to offer that lead magnet to your current client email list

to find out which of your clients wants to know more about that particular subject right now.

(So remember, we're drilling down here right).

Then you would want to extract a small fraction of that training and create a Blog Post, a YouTube video or a Pod-Cast for example
out of it.

And finally...

You would then direct your client lists to that smaller fraction piece of content at your blog, video or podcast...

and at the bottom of that content you would have a link pointing to a lead capture page offering the PDF or checklist lead magnet all about...

..."How To Get More Targeted Clients Through Facebook Ads"!

Does that make sense?

Now...you're building a more specific, segmented list of clients who are giving you clues as to what they want to buy from you in the near future!

Very POWERFUL Stuff!

And that's it.

That's all you need to do for this step in creating "Content Add-Ons".

Now let's move onto talking about the "Content Promotion Based Lead Magnets" strategy...

This strategy is very similar to the last one but involves a few more steps and you'll find out why in just a few moments time.

A "Content Promotion Based Lead Magnet" is a lead magnet that you'll use as bait to build a ultra targeted segmented list of clients...

...who may want to BUY your upcoming brand NEW product or service as soon as you go live!

This lead magnet will be created to align directly with what you plan to sell yourself and you'll use this lead magnet prior to your campaign launch.

PLEASE NOTE: that you are NOT restricted to using this strategy just to promote your own personal products and services to your existing
client email list database.

You could easily build a targeted, segmented list by creating an aligned lead magnet if you wanted to promote someone else's product
or service as an affiliate...

...if you thought that their product or service offered a lot of value to your client lists.

You're more than likely only going to use this strategy a few times a year (if you only plan on using this for your own product launches
and campaigns).


If you do plan on using this strategy to promote other people's products as an affiliate to your brand new targeted, segmented client lists...

...then you may well be using this very strategy much more frequently in your business.

So let's cover a quick example with this strategy:

1. Let's say you were about to launch a product, I want you to think about a really cool lead magnet that will be a PERFECT way to warm up a NEW segmented list that you wish to sell your NEW product, program or service to.

2. The goal here is to LIST BUILD before you actually open the cart or before your product, program or service is actually for sale!

3. So this usually works great if you're doing a LIVE PROMO and you actually have a date where people can BUY and you have a date where people can not BUY, meaning that you're going to have a LAUNCH period...


4. And so BEFORE the cart has opened, THAT'S WHERE you'll be using your "PROMOTIONAL LEAD MAGNET"!

Example of an actual lead magnet you could use:

Quick Note - Please make sure you adapt this strategy to whatever it is YOU sell in your business.

This could be physical products, foods, tech, digital downloads and anything else in between.

Anyway you could create a lead magnet all about...

"5 Rookie Mistakes When It Comes To Buying Your First Car - And How You Can Avoid Them"!

Of course this would be all about buying your first car right?

So when it comes to creating your own product or service or indeed as an affiliate around this very subject...

...you would then extract some JUICY information out of your main product, program or service around "Helping People To Buy A Reliable First Car"

...and you would create a highly perceived, valuable lead magnet out of this information you've extracted from your main product.

Then you would create a blog post, a podcast, video or a post at your Facebook group and then invite your clients to be able to feast on that content.

Then at the end of that content (just like we did in the last content strategy) you would leave a link to your lead capture page offering the FREE
lead magnet you created earlier.

So you may be thinking that this is the EXACT same thing as the content upgrade strategy, but not necessarily because what YOU DO AFTER someone opts in, kind of can change the strategy.

So let's look at how this would work in a simple step by step sequence:

Step 1 - You would run Facebook Ads to your blog post that had the JUICY content displayed there. Also, you can invite your current client lists to this blog post too if you already have a list of course.

Step 2 - You would want to re-target your Facebook ads to all those that visited your blog post ONCE your product goes live OR...

...if you're promoting an affiliate product or service you'll need to direct them to your landing page first and then promote to them once they're on your list.

Step 3 - Once people begin to join your segmented list who have signed up for your FREE report, video or podcast, you can then send them a small email sequence getting them ready for your LIVE launch of your product, program or service.

Step 4 - On the day of your launch, you then invite them to a "Masterclass Webinar" all about "Buying The Right First Car" for example
via email.

Step 5 - And on that webinar masterclass, at the END of that training...you'll then be able to SELL them your product, program or service.

Of course if this is an affiliate product you'll be able to do this just via email if you like, but of course if you'd like to do a webinar then that's up to you.

The main goal here is to BUILD a client list that is super targeted and warmed up to the idea of getting more information on 'XYZ' topic prior to you selling them that product, program or service of your choice.

So here's what your END goal should look like:

Your Client

Email List

(0 - 100,000 list)

Bigger List =
Greater Need
To Segment





Surveys &
More Lead

Surveys &
More Lead

= Clearer Picture Of What Your Clients Want (Multiple Lists)

List 1

List 2

List 3

List 4

List 5

List 6

List 7

List 8

List 9

Okay let's move onto the final step of this journey...

Step 3 - Creating Advanced Targeted Lead Hooks - "Authority Building" For Even Greater Success

Now I know I said in step #1 that you need to become "appointment only" based but if you do the following method I'm about to share with you...

...I can guarantee you'll be able to make 10 times MORE per client on your list than your competitors can.

Remember in Step 1 where I showed you the diagram and below it said "build authority" into your marketing?

Well that's exactly what we'll be covering here.

Here's what you need to do in order to get the ball rolling with this:

-- Try to get on the phone with 10 people that are an ideal fit for your product, program or service.

-- Keep drilling down into their needs, take REAL in depth notes of the language they're using.

-- Spend lot's of time at Facebook Groups just listening, learning and listening some more to what people are saying and asking there.

>>> What questions are they asking?

>>> What stories are they telling?

>>> What are they complaining about or frustrated with?

-- Create and craft your core lead magnets around this collective information you gather.

-- Use that sample survey I've given to you as a starting point and collect your clients name, email and Skype ID if you can.

-- Then invite them to talk to you over on Skype so you can get to know your audience on a much deeper level.

-- Overtime, this will allow you to create lead magnets that speak to your perfect clients NEEDS and you'll naturally build authority into your marketing.

Now of course this goes against what I said earlier about avoiding time wasters and giving people your FREE time.

But doing this step and using it as part of your overall strategy will make you a TON more sales for your business in the long run because...

...When you demonstrate to someone that you have a solution for them BEFORE they even join your client list and enter their email for your free gift, this makes you look like an instant authority to them.

This takes care of that whole "Building Credibility" and trust between you and your audience.

And once you do that...

...The remaining steps we've just covered throughout this training will be a whole lot easier to pull off.

And it's not as if your giving your FREE time to people who will waste your time because you can HAND PICK these people prior to talking to them.

You can make sure that they fit your perfect audience criteria before you give them your time in to collect information vital information from them.

Once you've done this a few times, patterns will begin to emerge before your very eyes.

You won't even need to keep referring back to your survey's and recent Skype conversations you've had with your 10
ideal clients...

...Because you'll already have the answers you need, imprinted into your mind as to what you need to create in the form of a free lead magnet

that you can give away to MORE potential clients that can join your client email lists.

As you craft, tweak and fine tune your main lead magnet, your clients will automatically become more targeted...

...easier to work with, more responsive, giving YOU the ultimate advantage over your competitors.

You'll begin to fall in love with list building as you watch your client lists grow and your incomes grow alongside them...

...because you've laid some simple important ground work prior to selling your clients your products, programs, services and even recommending affiliate products to them.

I showed you a diagram much earlier in this training, where we ZOOMED out of this whole strategy and this step is on there.

Take a look at that diagram over and over again until it really sinks in.

Because once you have this main lead magnet nailed and running on auto-pilot for you...

...then it is just a case of deciding how much you want to charge your clients for your products, programs and/or services.

You can focus most of your time getting NEW targeted clients onto your email list database.

No more hoping you'll make more sales.

No more trying to guess what your clients are thinking.

No more looking elsewhere for that silver bullet to land at your inbox that will somehow answer all of your prayers.

If you DO this step and all the other steps I've demonstrated today, YOU WILL see a MASSIVE change in your results.

It took me just 30 days to turn things around when I began implementing this system into my own business.

And it will work for you too, no matter what you currently sell online in your own business.

From physical products, food, software, clothing to digital downloads, CPA and affiliate offers...

...this system will allow you to easily segment, target and create your perfect audience

....that will be thanking you for your help and will be climbing over themselves to do more business with you time and again.

So that's it!

That's the "Perfect Audience Builders" system laid out for you on a silver platter.

I strongly encourage you to watch this video again or as many times as it takes so that it all sinks in and makes perfect sense to you.

Take notes and study this training and use it to your advantage to turn things around for you.

So to finish off follow these simple steps:

1. Follow the "Perfect Audience Builders" system and implement it step by step in your own business.

2. Gather as much information as you can from 10 ideal clients and use that to create a killer lead magnet to get even MORE perfect clients onto your email list database.

3. Segment your clients into spending power groups as they enter and walk through your business.

4. Survey them regularly and do the "Advanced Segmenting" strategy for even greater results.

5. To guarantee your success with this system - "Get A Coach" who can guide you and make sure you actually do the work
that is required of you until you hit those life changing results you've always set out to accomplish.

With that said...

I truly wish you EVERY success with the "Perfect Audience Builders" system.

Really hope you've gotten some REAL value here today that has opened your eyes to the real possibilities...

...of owning an organized, well segmented database of HIGH Ticket paying clients in your business

that can see you EXPLODE your incomes
well through into the 6 figure bracket per year and beyond.

Take care and I'll look forward to hearing your success stories and speaking to you soon.

List Builders Lab - My Freebie Giveaway Video

By gavinmb

List Builders Lab - My Freebie Giveaway Video

  • 334