Building data set pipelines for

deep learning strategies

See important disclosures at the end of this presentation.

Ankit Awasthi

Quantitative Portfolio Manager

The Trading Show NY, September 26th, 2018

Outline of the talk

Breaking down a generic learning problem


Criteria for selecting datasets


Improving deep learning strategies using hypothetical data


Future Testing Strategies


Breaking down a general machine learning problem

Illustrative and Representative Only

Hard problems are easy (to overfit)!

Here, for a dataset of 1,000 data points, given an expected correlation of 1%, around 75% of datasets could appear to be statistically significant, whereas for expected correlation values of 13%, it is close to 0.


Hard problems are easy (to overfit)!

Given expected correlation of 1%, as the size of the dataset increases from 100 data points to 100,000 data points, the chances of a random dataset appearing statistically significant goes from around 92% to close 0%


Select a dataset that...

Is clean and reliable


Has high coverage


Has long history


Is predictive over long horizons

Data Cleaning and Validation

Addressing look-ahead bias



Filling in missing data



Outlier Detection

Datasets : Coverage vs History

Source : JP Morgan

Macro data and price volume data have the highest coverage with longest history!

Tremendous Success of Deep Learning




Abundance of Data!

Deep learning scales with data

Source : Andrew Ng, Coursera Deep learning specialization

Data Augmentation for Deep Learning

Even more data!

Much harder in Finance!

Generating Hypothetical Data for Trading

Adding noise or transformations



Theoretical models



Appropriating High Frequency Data

Stylized Effects of Financial Time Series

Absence of Autocorrelations


Heavy Tails


Volatility Clustering


Leverage Effect


Cross Correlation vs Volatility

Reference : Empirical properties of asset returns: stylized facts and statistical issues, Rama Cont

Cross-Correlation Vs Asset Volatility

Mean of 30-day rolling correlation of different assets with US Total Stock Market (VTI)

Standard Deviation is shown as error bars.

Correlation (Mean and Variance)

Correlation increases with volatility

Correlation of 30-day rolling correlation of log returns of different assets vs US Total Stock Market against  the volatility of US Total Stock Market.


A simple example - Autoencoders

Source : Arden Dertat, Applied Deep Learning

Experimental Setup

Daily EOD Data


3000 pts


1000 pts


1000 pts

Large High Frequency Data Corpus 

( 32000 pts )


(High Frequency + Daily)


Out of Sample 


Model complexity alone doesn't help much!

One Hidden Layer : 62 -> 3 -> 62

Two Hidden Layers : 62 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 62

Three Hidden Layers : 62 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 62

Four Hidden Layers : 62 -> 100 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 100 -> 62

However....more data does!

Architecture Used : 62 -> 100 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 100 -> 62

Stress / Future Testing Investment Strategies

Helps to be data-driven with more data!

Scenario Analysis



Cross-Validating Hyperparameters



Future performance under different capital market assumptions

Key Takeaways

Overfitting is one of the biggest concerns when working with financial datasets


Deep learning works best when you have lots of data and it's the same for finance


Hypothetical data can be used to develop better and more robust data driven strategies


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Building data set pipelines for deep learning strategies

By Gaurav Chakravorty

Building data set pipelines for deep learning strategies

Over the last decade deep learning has had tremendous success in pushing state of the art in numerous domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, machine translation and speech recognition. All of these domains are characterized by large quantities of data. In order to leverage deep learning research to the fullest, many progressive asset managers are experimenting with different approaches to generate and use hypothetical data so that the models can learn what to do in scenarios that the markets haven't seen yet.

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