Password Recovery
2016 / 9 / 1 Gordon, Stanely
Last weed todo
hashcat cpu
-n Manual workload tuning, set outerloop step size to X
-m Manual workload tuning, set innerloop step size to X
both are outdated
so -w that gordon mentioned before is the latest parameter to control wordload
Straight wordlist attack against MD5 will be faster on CPU than GPU - 2016 02 29 - hashcat forum
Does the PCI-Express speed have any influence on cracking speed ?
Actually, YES!
But in reality, NO !
Two types of hashes
- fast hashes
- md5 SHA1
- slow hashes
- typically design to run slow
- md5crypt bcrypt scrypt
Slow hashes
doing iterations of the same function again and again and using the input of the previous computing to compute a new one
"This is just like amplifier"
Remembered that pregenerate dictionary is faster ?
Makes sense
Pre generate GPU workload:
- PCI-E is not bottle neck for slow hashes
- GPU has to run slow hash function which is just like amplifier
Dynamic generate GPU workload:
- PCI-E is also not bottle neck thank to the amplifier
- Amplifier run the generate function - slower
- Run slow hash functions which is jusk like amplifier
Hashcat CPU version
Need some other dependencies
- glibc-devel.i686
- gmp-devel.i686
Execute command
Basically the same as GPU version.
One additional option:
Hashcat CPU threads
The relation between speed and threads is linear
- Good for time scheduling
- Easy to run in spare machines
Compare to GPU
CPU: 190 kH/s
GPU: 978 kH/s
Pre-built dictionary
Wordlist: 978 kH/s
Combination: 585.7 kH/s
Rules: 106.3 Kh/s
Next week todo
Password Recovery
By Gordon Ueng
Password Recovery
- 608