We've been doing formal proofs
Moving to informal proofs
- Every step isn't outlined
- Axioms (like algebraic laws) are implied
- Some steps are combined
- Some things (like quantifiers) are implied
Most of the proofs we'll be going over are of the form
∀x P(x) → Q(x)
How do we do this?
- Choose a proof strategy
- Use axioms, rules of inference, and previous results
- When proving ∀x P(x) → Q(x), we try to prove
P(c) → Q(c)
Biconditional Proofs
- Prove ∀x P(x) ↔ Q(x)
- Similar to regular proofs, but need to prove P(c) → Q(c) and Q(c) → P(c)
Strategies for winning at proofs
Direct proofs
- Given a conditional statement p → q
- Prove if p is true, then q is also true
- Most direct type (duh), but may not lead you to a useful conclusion
Prove that the product of two odd integers is odd.
Proof by Contraposition
- An "Indirect Proof"
- Instead of proving p → q, prove ¬q → ¬p
Prove "If x² is even, then x is even"
Proof by contradiction
- Prove ¬p → (r ^ ¬r) for some proposition r
- In other words, assume that the premise is false but the conclusion is true. Then show that the conclusion is also false.
If n is an integer and n^3 + 5 is odd, then n is even
Other types of proofs
- Vacuous Proof: Given p is false, p → q is always true
- Example: Prove P(0) is true where P(n) = "If n is a positive integer, then n^2 > n"
- Trivial Proof: Establish that q is true, therefore it doesn't matter what p is.
- Example: "If a and b are positive real numbers, then (a + b) ^n < (a^n + b^n)". Show that P(0) is true.
Proving Statements False
- Find a counterexample (i.e. p is true, but p → q is false)
- Example: Find a counterexample to the statement that every positive integer can be written as the sum of the squares of three integers.
By George Lee
200 proof
- 1,020