Prime Numbers
We know prime numbers
Prime Numbers
An integer p is called prime if the only positive factors of p are 1 and p. Any positive number greater than 1 that is not prime is called composite.
Also, two numbers are relatively prime if their only common factor is 1.
Composite Numbers
If a number n is composite, then its prime factors are no larger than √n.
How might we determine if a number n is prime?
Trial Division
Brute force algorithm for determining if a number n is prime.
for each prime number p < √n if n mod p == 0 return false return true
Are these numbers prime?
* 71
* 97
* 123
Wait a Minute ...
How do we find prime numbers less than √n ???
Sieve of Erastothenes
Algorithm for finding a list of prime numbers less than n.
primes = list of all numbers from 2 to n. for p in primes for number in primes if p != number and number mod p == 0 delete number from primes
return primes
Greatest Common Divisor
Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor of a and b is the largest integer that divides both a and b. We will denote this using gcd(a, b)
What is gcd(18, 42)?
Brute Force Algorithm
How do we find gcd(a, b)?
Prime Factorization
Use the prime factorization of the two numbers.
Euclidean Algorithm
Trial division can be expensive
Euclidean Algorithm
Breaks down finding a gcd of two numbers to smaller problems.
We will use the following fact.
Let a = bq + r, where a, b, q, and r are integers. Then gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r).
Euclidean Algorithm
q = a div b r = a mod b while r > 0 a = b b = r q = a div b r = a mod b return b
Euclidean Algorithm
Let's do some examples.
Find the following:
gcd(44, 52)
gcd(203, 101)
gcd(390, 72)
Linear Combinations
The gcd of two numbers can be expressed as a combination of the two original numbers. That is:
gcd(a, b) = sa + tb for some integers s and t.
By George Lee
- 883