ICS 141: Intro
George Lee
You made the right choice
My Background
- Born and raised in Hawaii
- Graduate of Kamehameha Schools
- B.S. Mathematics from University of Washington
- M.S. Computer Science from University of Hawaii
Senior Software Architect
- Ruby on Rails, Javascript, CSS/HTML, Python, Objective C
- Worked on projects ranging from local government to big data and finance.
- Clients include Civil Beat, UH Foundation, and the City and County of Honolulu
Active in the Community
- Organize the local Javascript user's group
- Active member of HICapacity
- Member of Code for Hawaii
- Regularly attend conferences on the mainland
I've taken this class
And I know others that have
Haven't Taught It
Don't assume it'll be easy
- 40% of your grade
- Assigned on Tuesdays
- Due the following Friday by 5:45
Late Penalty
- 10% deduction for each weekday it is late
- Assignments more than a week late are not accepted
Midterm Exam
- 20% of your grade
- Tentatively scheduled for October 13
- Will cover up to Linear Algebra
Final Exam
- 20% of your grade
- May be comprehensive, may only cover 2nd half
- Scheduled during finals week
- 10% of your grade.
- Will be given out randomly before class
- Mostly in place to test that you did the reading
In-Class Participation
- 10% of your grade.
- "Inverted" classroom
- Participating in group exercises/discussions
Extra Credit
This is a Math Class
20% Time
Build Something Outside of Class
- Web application, mobile application, game, etc.
- I must approve your project
- 1% for each week you show progress (up to 10)
- 5% for finishing a MVP
- Talk to me after class or during office hours
Hackathon Participation
- 5% Extra Credit
- Node Knockout, Startup Weekend
- Participation in other hackathons need to be approved by me.
Tools of the Trade
Discrete Math and its Applications (Rosen, 7th Edition)
Course Website
Chat and Discussion
- https://uhm-ics.slack.com
- hawaii.edu address is required
- Introduce yourself in #hello_world
Social Rules
Borrowed from The Recurse Center
No Feigned Surprise
- Don't be surprised when someone doesn't know something
- "You don't know who Richard Stallman is?"
- Only serves to make people feel bad
No "Well, Actually"
- Has no bearing on the actual conversation
- Only brings attention to the person saying it
No Back-Seat Driving
- Group work is very important.
- Don't hurl advice to other groups
- Focus on what your group is doing
And the Obvious ...
- No cheating or copying
- Safe zone (no racism, sexism, etc.)
- Don't be a jerk
Why the Rules?
- We're all in it together
- "Impostor Syndrome"
- Watch the Pycon Keynote
ICS 141 Introduction
By George Lee
ICS 141 Introduction
Slides about stuff.
- 1,212