
Garasto Giorgio
Guerra Francesco

5°C IA I.T.S.T. J.F. Kennedy
A.S. 2015-2016


  • From Greek  kryptós, graphein,logia
  • Secure communication in  the presence of third parties called adversaries
  • Modern cryptography is heavily based on mathematical theory and computer science  
  • Legal issues in the information age: many governments classified cryptography as a weapon

Caesar cipher

  • Simplest but most widely known encryption technique
  • Named after Julius Caesar who used it to protect messages   of military significance
  • Substitution of the cipher where the plaintext is replaced by another letter in the alphabet


  • Used during World War II
  • Its decryption allowed the allies to win the war
  • It started the computer era

Symmetric key cryptography

  • Sender and receiver share the same key
  • DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) have been designated as Cryptography standards by the U.S. government
  • Although it is deprecated it is widely used on ATM, e-mail privacy

Asymmetric cryptography

  • Sender and receiver have both a public and a private key
  • The sender uses the receiver's public key to encrypt data
  • The receiver decrypts data using its private key
  • RSA is one of the most used asymmetric algorithm

Examples of cryptography

  • Uses MTProto Mobile Protocol
    • Developed by the same team that created Telegram
    • Combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption
  • Offers US$300,000 to who discovers a security breach
  • A vulnerability has theorically been found, but can't be practically applied


Examples of cryptography

  • Security is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the internet.
  • there are 3 requirements for safe e-payments
    • ​Confidentiality
    • Integrity
    • Availabilty
  • HTTPS (HTTP over Secure Socket Layer)
    • Extend HTTP internet protocol with
      public key encryption, authentication
      and digital signature.


The End



By Giorgio Garasto


  • 258