Giridhar Rajkumar @vgrk2017

Test Automation Consultant |


Challenges in Test Automation (5 mins)

How TestProject saves us? (5 mins)

Features of TestProject (10 mins)

Demo (10 mins)

Questions (15 mins)

Challenges in Test Automation

More time in Script Development 

Maintanence of a heavy framework as a small team

Less technical competancy

Difficult for Business Testers

Different frameworks for Web, Mobile & API


What is TestProject?

Community-powered automation solution

100% free to use tool

Founded in 2015 and acquired by Tricentis in 2019

Supports Web, Mobile and API Testing

Extends to PDF Testing

Top rated free automation tools by Gartner (4.6 / 5 stars)

Gold Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors


Built on top of leading open-source tools – Selenium and Appium

Scriptless test recorder for non-technical users (with compatible code export)

Advanced scripting Java and .Net Core SDK (import existing Selenium and Appium tests)


Install and manage Selenium, Appium related dependencies

200+ community-powered addons

Cross-browser and cross-platform support (+ Sauce Labs and BrowserStack integrations)

Easily integrate tests into CI/CD pipelines

How does it work?

TestProject Cloud

Local Machine



.QA in London - TestProject Slides

By Giridhar Rajkumar

.QA in London - TestProject Slides

This is the deck used for .QA in London Meetup for TestProject

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