Giridhar Rajkumar
With his 12+ years of experience in test automation, Giridhar has worked with multiple customers in the UK, EU, India and Latin America for a successful transformation.
Make The Most
Giridhar Rajkumar
Giridhar Rajkumar
Test Automation Architect
Live in Norwich, United Kingdom
Write articles & books on Test Automation
Speak at several meetups & conferences
Love to cycle & most recently, running
giridhar rajkumar
Brief intro to Cucumber
Brief intro to Gherkins
Gherkins - Best Practices
Cucumber v6 Features - Demo
Cucumber JVM v6 Features
1. Cucumber with Java -
2. Cucumber with JavaScript by Gavin Samuels-
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is an Agile software development process that encourages collaboration among developers, QA and non-technical or business participants in a software project. (Wikipedia)
BDD is NOT test automation
A cucumber is a tool based on Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework which is used to write acceptance tests for the web application.
(ref -
Cucumber Open
Open Source
Cucumber for JIRA
Cloud based & On-prem setup
Gherkin Editor
Test Management
Historical Data
Single source of truth
Excellent Living Documentation
Strong collaboration between technical & non-technical people
Easily understandable acceptance tests
Automated acceptance tests
Gherkin formatted acceptance criteria
Living Documentation
Gherkin Scenarios should not be written from the team member like the developer, tester perspective. It should always be user perspective
1. In a given scenario, there should be only one Given, When and Then steps
2. Maximum usage of 2 And steps
3. Scenario should not exceed more than 5 steps
1. Testers should write GWTs (Given When Then)
2. BDD means Business Driven Development
3. Gherkins are not your Test Steps
4. BDD means Test Automation
New Keywords
Scenario Template
Business Need
Online Reporting
Brief intro to Cucumber
Brief intro to Gherkins
Gherkins - Best Practices
Cucumber v6 Features - Demo
Cucumber JVM v6 Features
By Giridhar Rajkumar
With his 12+ years of experience in test automation, Giridhar has worked with multiple customers in the UK, EU, India and Latin America for a successful transformation.