
Open Belgium 2015

February 23, 2015

Gwen Franck



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Open Science

All open workflows that occur when conducting scientific research

  • Open Access 
  • Open Data
  • Open peer review process
  • Open Notebook Science
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Hardware
  • Open Licensing
  • ...



Recap: what is open access?

"free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited"


Recap: what is open access?

  • different ways - non-exclusive
  • self-archiving: copyright holder 
    • archives publication...
    • ... or permits 3rd party archiving
    • regardless of where it is published
  • OA journals/ Journals with OA option
    • article is online at moment of publication
    • reader does not have to pay to access
    • different business models

    How Open Is It? 

    • Different visions (// open source software)
    • 'Gratis' access 
      • does not necessarily allow other rights than viewing rights
    • Open Access ('libre') 
      • right to re-use, redistribute, remix, mine ...
      • accepted limitations
        • attribution
        • integrity
        • share under the same terms
      • preference for CC BY license



    Open Research Data

    • Datasets underlying scientific research
    • Big data vs. 'long tail'
    • Datasets can be archived and published
    • Open format essential 
    • Text and data mining
    • Privacy issues: can be addressed 
    • Licensing

    No copyright infringement!

    • OA is provided by the copyright holder
      • author
      • publisher
      • institution
      • ...
    • Easiest way is use a (Creative Commons) license
    • acknowledgement of author is essential 
      • OA actually makes plagiarism more difficult

    The Panel

    • Inge Van Nieuwerburgh (UGent, Open Access Belgium)
    • Bernard Rentier (ULg, EOS)
    • Brian Hole (Ubiquity Press) 
    • Joe McArthur (Open Access Button, Right to Research)

    Questions for the panel

    • Do Open Access to publications and Open Research Data require different approaches?Open Science Policy in Belgium
      • what needs to be done? 
      • which model should be followed
    • "50 shades of no": what's the biggest issue ? 
    • What can researchers do on individual level? 
    • Institutional/Funder policies: When/Why don't they work? 
    • What do you say to researchers who think the  "libre" model goes to far?
    • Is (un)willingness to go OA discipline related? Age related? Other factors
    • What's your opinion on using CC0 for datasets? (cf. INBO talk this morning)

    Questions for the Audience

    • What would be the main benefit of "going open" be for you?
    • Do you see any negative sides to Open Science?
    • "50 shades of no": what's the biggest issue ? 
    • Would you consider going open even if your environment does not support it (supervisor, senior prof, ... )?
    • What level of openness are you most comfortable with? (gratis vs. libre ) 



    #openscience Open Belgium 2015

    By gwen

    #openscience Open Belgium 2015

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