Creative Commons Belgium 


December 4

What is Creative Commons? 

  • Volunteer driven organisation, organised in chapters
  • Steward of the CC licenses
  • Promotor of 'open' culture worldwide


  • CC Belgium in the international network

  • discuss tools and communication channels

  • select a (interim) chapter lead and (interim) representative of CC Belgium in the CC Global Network

  • identify areas of interest and assign leads

  • Set date for full-blown meeting! 

CC Belgium

  • central hub for all information about CC licenses (juridical and non-juridical)
  • conduct for 'open' activities related to open culture, open licenses, maker culture
  • advisory/expert function
  • collaboration with other chapters

Some issues at this point:

  • Lack of volunteers locally
  • Lack of 'driving force'
  • Support internationally
  • Technical issues
  • 'no face'
  • no budget

Tools and communication

  • Hosting
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Internal tools
  • Mailing lists 
  • ...

Creative Commons Belgium

By gwen

Creative Commons Belgium

  • 1,656