Welcome CC Turkey!

A short introduction to Creative Commons


Gwen Franck, Regional Coordinator Europe



This presentation is licensed under CC BY 4.0, by Gwen Franck

Who are we?

  • global
  • non profit
  • 20+ staff
  • 85+ teams
  • 300+ volunteers

What do we do?

  • develop and curate 6 licenses + 2 public domain tools
  • inform about the licenses,  copyright reform, open education, open science, open policy, open business models, ...
  • advocate for a vibrant 'commons'
  • develop technical tools
  • ...

Finding CC licensed content

How does CC work?

(In a nutshell)

"Some rights reserved"

If you make it clear from the start what can be done with your work ...

  • access
  • attribution
  • re-use
  • modification
  • commercial use
  • ...

... others can build upon your work without fear of violating your author rights.

How does it work?


  • You are free to:

    • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

    • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

    • for any purpose, even commercially

  • Under the following terms:

SA (ShareAlike)

  • Same conditions as CC BY, plus:
    • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

NC (Non Commercial)

  •  Same conditions as CC BY, plus:


(No Derivatives)

Don't forget:

Two additional legal tools

License chooser

Image by Aston University - licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license

Thank you for joining our global community!

you can have this kitten.


'Creative Commonsed licensed cats' at http://warpedcat.tumblr.com

  • @g_fra
  • gwen@creativecommons.org

CC Turkey

By gwen

CC Turkey

  • 2,774