Daniel Haehn PRO
Hi, I am a biomedical imaging and visualization researcher who investigates how computational methods can accelerate biological and medical research.
local / regional data
to tell a story!
KPI: Key-Performance-Indicators
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"title": "Seattle",
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"title": "Max. Temperature (C)"},
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"title": "Precipitation",
"field": "precipitation",
"scale": {"domain": [-1, 50]},
"type": "quantitative"
"width": 1000,
"data": {"url": "https://cs617.org/data/boston_weather.csv"},
"mark": "circle",
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"range": [ {"year": 2012, "month": 1, "date": 1},
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"title": "Boston",
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"title": "Max. Temperature (C)"
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By Daniel Haehn
Hi, I am a biomedical imaging and visualization researcher who investigates how computational methods can accelerate biological and medical research.